Hormone menubar
MELATONIN Health Benefits
MELATONIN is an anti-cancer agent
At present, the validity
as an oncostatic agent seems well established.
The antitumor mechanisms of
MELATONIN have been identified, including:
• Anti-proliferative actions
• Immuno-stimulatory effects on host
anti-cancer defenses
• Antioxidant
Circulating levels of
depressed in a wide variety of cancers. Including breast, endometrial, prostate, lung, gastric and colon.
Bartsch C ,
Bartsch H . MELATONIN in
cancer patients and in tumor-bearing animals.
Adv Exp Med Biol.
There are, however, isolated reports of tumor
growth stimulation, especially if
MELATONIN is administered in the morning.
Indicating a
circadian-stage dependency of antitumor action.
Bartsch H, Bartsch C. Effect of
MELATONIN on experimental tumors under
different photoperiods and times of administration. J Neural Transm
A recent controlled
trial shows the possibility to improve chemotherapy
- in terms of both survival and
quality of life of patients with advanced disease by a concomitant
administration of MELATONIN and cisplatinium etoposide in metastatic non small
cell lung cancer.
Lissoni P, Chilelli M, Villa S, et al. Five
years survival in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with
chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy and MELATONIN :
Breast Cancer
- Breast cancer risk was
increased among subjects who frequently did not sleep during the period of the
night when
MELATONIN levels are typically at their
highest. There was also an
indication of increased risk among subjects with the brightest bedrooms.
Graveyard shiftwork was associated with increased breast cancer risk.
Night shift
work, Light at night, and Risk of breast cancer
- Breast Cancer research
clearly shows solid links between low late-night MELATONINand increased breastcancer cell growth. A study demonstrated that
MELATONIN -rich blood suppressed the growth of
human breast cancer xenografts and rat hepatomas.
No growth suppression occurred in tumors perfused with
MELATONIN -deficient blood
collected from the same women after short-term ocular exposure to bright light
at night.
Blask DE
et al. MELATONIN-depleted blood from premenopausal women exposed to light at
night stimulates growth of human breast cancer xenografts in nude rats.
Cancer Res.
2005 Dec 1;65(23):11174-84.
Pub Med
- CORTISOL levels are also tied to breast cancer risk.
Breast cancer
patients with high average CORTISOL throughout
the day and elevated CORTISOL at bedtime have
earlier mortality, lower natural killer (NK) cell counts and decreased activity
of NK cells The strength of the relationship between
Sandra E. Sephton ,
Robert M. Sapolsky ,
Helena C. Kraemer ,
David Spiegel Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm as a Predictor of Breast Cancer Survival.
Oxford Journals
Medicine JNCI
Volume92, Issue12 Pp. 994-1000
production has been proposed as a likely factor in the significantly higher
cancer rates in night workers. In 2007,
The World Health
Organization cited late night shift work as a probable cancer-causing agent .
When someone works
in artificial light, they generally have lower
MELATONIN , and without this
antioxidant and suppressant of tumor
development, they may be more likely to develop cancer.
Straif, Kurt; Baan, Robert; Grosse, Yann; Secretan, BéAtrice; Ghissassi, Fatiha
El; Bouvard, VéRonique; Altieri, Andrea; Benbrahim-Tallaa, Lamia et al. (2007).
"Carcinogenicity of shift-work, painting, and fire-fighting". The Lancet
Oncology 8(12): 1065-6.
Lower nocturnal MELATONIN levels
are associated withlarger tumors in patients with primary prostate cancer
Vijayalaxmi, Charles R. Thomas, Jr, Russel J. Reiter, Terence S. Herman.
From Basic Research to Cancer Treatment Clinics.Journal of Clinical
Oncology , Vol 20, Issue 10 (May), 2002: 2575-2601JOCO
stimulates anti-cancer defenses and exhibits anti-proliferative and antioxidant
Claustrat B ,
Brun J ,
Chazot G .
The basic physiology and pathophysiology of
MELATONIN .Sleep Med Rev. 2005 Feb;9(1):11-24.