Fibrocystic changes (FCCs) in breasts and risk of cancer
Fibrocystic changes (FCCs) in breasts
Fibrocystic changes (FCCs) (also called
fibrocystic breasts, and formally called
"Fibrocystic disease of the breast") define the presence
or development of benign lumpy and/or ropey
tissue in one or both breasts. These lumps or nodules result from an excess number
of cells that grow in the breast. It is believed that the increase in
cells is due to hormonal stimulation during the menstrual cycle due to a
predominance of estrogen over
Not uncommon,
~90% of American women have FCCs. Of these women,
40% are unaware they have them.
FCCs generally affect premenopausal women aged 20-50.
FCC symptoms
Typical symptoms include:
Breasts feel heavy, lumpy or like ropey bumps;
Tenderness / redness / swelling in the breast;
Pain under the armpit.
Ultrasounds can be used to monitor changes to the breast.
lumps may be further investigated with a biopsy to rule out cancer.
Do FCCs increase risk of breast cancer (BC)?
FCCs are medically referred to as lesions, which are
either proliferative (i.e. continuing to involve new cell growth)
or non-proliferative.
Non-proliferative lesions includes cysts, which are fluid /partially solid-filled round or ovoid nodules
that can be moved around (since they are not attached to surrounding tissue).
The proliferative lesions are solid and can not be moved, and some may have normal cells, while others
may be comprised of some abnormal cells (referred to as atypia). It
is the solid lesions which are the subject of debate as to whether their
presence increases the risk for breast cancer . These are the lesion
Nonproliferative lesions.
70% of breast cancer screening biopsies; includes cysts, periductal
fibrosis, nonsclerosing adenosis, duct ectasia, epithelial-related
calcifications, mild epithelial hyperplasia, papillary apocrine changes
Proliferative lesions
without Irregular, abnormal or non-standard cells
(the medical term for abnormal
cells is atypia ). includes sclerosing
adenosis, radial scar, intraductal papilloma, and moderate to florid hyperplasia;
Proliferative lesions
with Irregular, abnormal or non-standard cells
(referred to as atypical hyperplasia ).
Includes atypical ductal hyperplasia and lobular hyperplasia. For perspective,
>80% of women diagnosed with this type of lesion will NOT develop invasive
breast cancer.
Most FCCs are benign
and have no consequences. A large study of more than 9000 women over a 15 year period (Hartmann et al, 2005) determined that the risk of getting breast
cancer after diagnosis of FCCs was:
• Inversely associated with the age at biopsy
younger women have a greater risk than older women). The risk was 6.99
times the expected risk among women who received a diagnosis of atypia before
the age of 45 years; 5.02 times when diagnosed between 45 and 55 years and 3.37
times when it was diagnosed after 55 years of age. Women with nonproliferative lesions and no or weak family history had no
increase in the risk of breast cancer.
Majorly predicted by type of FCCs. Atypical
hyperplasia had a relative risk of 4.24, proliferative lesions without
atypia 1.88 and nonproliferative lesions 1.27.
Degree of family
history of breast cancer (BC):
Women with
non-proliferative finding and a strong
family history of BC .
Risk of BC is 1.62 times expected rate. Another study found no difference
(Dupont & Page, 1985)
Women with atypia
(abnormal cells) with
a family history of BC . Risk of BC is 4 times expected rate,
regardless of the degree of family history.
Women with atypia
(abnormal cells) without
a family history of BC . Risk of BC is 2.95 times expected
An excess of breast cancers occurred in the same
breast with diagnosed FCCs during the first years of follow-up. Especially in women
with atypia. (In the following chart, ipsilateral means BC occurred on same
side, contralateral means on the other breast). The report suggests that the
excess risk of cancer in the same breast in the first 10 years after diagnosed
FCCs points to the presence of precursors for BC in some women. This author also
questions whether the biopsy itself may have played a role in the excess BC
Over the last 80 years, hundreds of publications have confirmed
correlations between advanced
fibrocystic breasts and subsequent breast cancer.
i.e. The longer fibrocystic tissue is present in a breast, the higher the
potential risk for developing breast cancer .
Accumulation of toxins in the breast may occur due to overuse of deodorants or from a tight-fitting bra which
prevents proper lymph drainage from the breast
Bras and Breast Cancer
Ensuring sufficient iodine is a "no brainer" solution against FDB and breast
Iodine is the trigger mechanism that promotes
appropriate cell death
To keep the cell count steady in the breasts,
some cells have to be removed each month. Leftover
cells that have not been appropriately destroyed build up over repeated cycles
and cause the lumpy, tender breasts, and larger fibrocystic lesions.
The breasts concentrate iodine
when available. Several studies have demonstrated a
relationship between low iodine intake and
FCCs both in women and laboratory animals. A
sufficiency of iodine eliminates the excess
cells, enabling the breast to return to its normal resting state as the
fibrocystic lumps slowly disappear from the breast.
Check out
this lecture by Dr. David Brownstein about iodine
and its deficiency relationship to breast cancer:
If you
discover you have FCCs at the age of 45-55, it is likely you have had it for many years,
and there is a possibility that the cells may become cancerous. The good news is that it can be cleared up completely with a daily intake
of iodine.
Derry, DM, Breast Cancer and iodine
Preventing and surviving,Trafford Publishing company, Canada,
FCCs treated with
Supplementation. In 1993 Ghent and Eskin published a landmark paper on the treatment
of severe fibrocystic breasts with iodine supplements. This paper was the result of more than 30
years of research by Dr. Bernard. A. Eskin of the Medical College of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. First in animals and then in humans, he
proved fibrocystic breasts are the result of low dietary
iodine .
He has also shown that fibrocystic breasts can go on to
develop into breast cancer. (Ghent et al, 1993; Eskin et al, 1995; Eskin,
1970; Eskin, 1983; Eskin, 1976; Eskin et al, 1986)
Iodine addresses potential environmental
causes of FCCs / breast cancer
Pesticides, microbes, toxins, etc.
If a person has
enough iodine in the body, the toxins cannot do much damage
because iodine does an excellent job of
deactivating toxins.
I t is likely that iodine helps
eliminate FCCs (and ovarian cysts) at least partly through it's interaction with
estrogens . Iodine helps the body to
metabolize ESTRONE
(a slightly carcinogenic human
and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone (a much more
dangerous metabolite of human
estrogen) into
ESTRIOL , an "anti-carcinogenic" or at
the very least
"neutral" form of human estrogen .
What is the iodine dose for
Prevention of FCCs.
Based on
their studies of iodine in women and female
rats, Ghent et al and Eskin have estimated that the amount of
iodine required for protection against breast
cancer and fibrocystic breasts, is at least 20 to 40 times the amount required for control of
goiter. Therefore, the MINIMUM
amount of iodine required for control and
prevention of fibrocystic breasts is equivalent to 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day (this is the amount
used by Ghent et al).
E.g. the
minimum daily amount of
for a 110# woman would be 5 mg.
With diagnosed FCCs. The
pertinent question to ask is "What is the optimal amount of
iodine that will restore and maintain normal breast function and
histology, without any significant side effects and negative impact on thyroid
functions?" (In Canada, 1975, Ghent et al tested various amounts of various
forms of iodine in three open trials.5% Lugol's solution was used in 233 patients for 2 years in daily amounts
ranging from 31 to 62 mg iodine, achieving
clinical improvement in 70% of the patients. ( Guy.
E. Abraham M.D et al)
Unfortunately, if you have FCCs you don't know if they are
precancerous lesions without a biopsy. On the other hand, fibrocystic breast
lumps disappear by taking
iodine in adequate daily amounts, so that you are essentially preventing
breast cancer from occurring.
The best response for those with
FCCs was observed with
ingestion of about 50 mg iodine/iodide (E.g. 8
drops 5% Lugol's Solution or 4 Iodoral™) / day for several months
(the same dose suggested for reversal of the cancerous phase).
How-to Supplement Iodine for whole body Sufficiency
Summary of results of iodine used against
Objective and subjective improvements of
FCCs in response to various dosages of various
forms of iodine or
iodide . (Vishnyakova et al,
1966; Ghent et al, 1993; )
Study Design
# pts
Form of I
Daily Dosage
% of pts. w/clinical
% of pts with side effects
Open Trial
3 years
Potassium Iodide
10-20 mg
Open Trial
2 years
Lugol 5%*
5-10 drops
(31-62 mgI)
Open Trial
5 years
Iodine Caseinate
10 mg
Open Trial
18 months
Solution of
0.08 mg/Kg BW
Double Blind
PL = 33
I2= 23
mean of
191 days
Solution of
0.08 mg/Kg BW
PL = -3%
I2 = 65%
N / A
PL = Placebo, Pts = Patients, BW=Body Weight
References Dupont WD, Page DL. Risk factors for breast cancer in women with proliferative breast disease
(1985). N Engl J Med;312:146-151.
Eskin BA et al (1995) Different tissue responses for iodine and iodide in rat thyroid
and mammary glands, Biol Trace Element Res.
Eskin BA et al (1986) Etiology of mammary gland pathophysiology induced by
iodine deficiency, Frontiers in thyroidology.
Eskin BA (1983) Iodine and breast cancer. Biol Trace Element Res
Eskin BA (1976 Dietary iodine and cancer risk. Lancet.
EskinBA (1970) Iodine metabolism and breast cancer. Trans NY Acad Sci.
Ghent WR et al (1993) Iodine replacement in fibrocystic disease of the breast. Can J
Guy. E. Abraham M.D et al "Optimum Levels of Iodine for
Greatest Mental and Physical Health"
Hartmann, Lynn C et al, (July 2005) Benign Breast Disease and the Risk of
Breast Cancer. N Engl J Med; 353:229-237
(Vishnyakova et al, (1966) Vestn Akad Med Navk SSSR, 21:19-22.