When damaged, poison oak, ivy and sumac release a toxic oil, called urushiol, which causes an allergic reaction in about 80-85% of people. What begins as a sting and minor irritation, becomes a red rash that gets progressively itchier, especially in the area of contact with the plant. Eventually bumps form that ooze a liquid. However, contrary to popular thinking, it is not contagious or spread by scratching, since the "ooze" is not urushiol;
The blisters begin to dry up and crust after a few days and the rash peaks about a weak afer exposure - usually lasting 5-12 days.
Prevent further contact with oil:
Wash clothing that came into contact with the plant oil;
Topical Anti-infectives (scratching can cause infection):
Hydrogen Peroxide (footbath);
Ozone Therapy (Ozonated Olive Oil, limb-bagging);
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy SOTA Magnetic Pulser);
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Mix 2 tsp. GSE to 5oz (10 Tbsp.) water in a spray bottle and apply to a small area of the skin. If a burning sensation results, add a little water. Spray liberally over affected areas; repeat every 2 hours as needed. Shake mixture between sprayings.
Cool compresses
Calamine lotion
Hydrocortisone cream