"When life gives you a lemon... squeeze it, mix half with six ounces of distilled water and drink twice daily."
Alkalizes body. Although obviously acidic, LJ contains alkalizing minerals (calcium, and potassium) that are retrieved through its metabolism. Useful for over-acidity in extracellular fluids.
Cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys
Antiseptic. Low pH of citric acid breaks down bacterial cell membranes. This powerful antibacterial kills bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases.
It dislodges phlegm (that causes annoying cough)
Liver tonic. Lemon juice stimulates liver to produce bile; in turn, a more effective liver is better able to purify blood.
Helps in digestion
Diuretic. increases urination, prevents water retention
Volatile oils in lemon rind. Ease heartburn, bloating and constipation and expel wind from the digestive tract.
The bark of the lemon tree. Used as febrifuge (prevents fever)
Seeds. Used as a vermifuge (expels worms from intestine)
Prevents or restrains influenza and cold
Scurvy. Due to vitamin C content. Limes, which kept well on long voyages, were used by sailors in the 19th century to prevent bleeding to death through arterial wall due to lack of vitamin C
Maintains health of the teeth and the bones. Vitamin C content of lemon helps considerably in calcium metabolism.
Used for constipation and indigestion
Helps those with heart problems when taken regularly. Due to potassium content
Hangover aid. By improving bile flow
Great skin cleanser. Contains alpha hydroxy acid for light natural "peel", and has antiseptic and astringent properties. Also, consuming LJ cocktail daily aids skin condition from within.
Used externally for acne, fungus (ringworm and athlete's foot), sunburn, stings, and warts, corns (Tie a fresh slice of lemon over the painful area at night and leave overnight).
High blood pressure. Potassium content good for the heart
Kidney stone preventative and treatment
Oral/Dental problems. High vitamin C content of LJ strengthens the gums and teeth, preventing/curing gum inflammation,pyorrhea, dental caries, and gum bleeds Adding a little LJ to your mouth rinse water helps kill bacteria responsible for halitosis.A study found that LJ had antifungal properties and was effective against oral candidiasis (thrush).
Sore throat
Hemorrhage. Lemon is effective in the hemorrhage or bleeding of lungs. stomach, intestines, uterus, kidneys and other internal organs. In these cases, lemon juice should be taken with water several times a day.
UTIs and high uric acid problems -diuretic quality flushed urinary tract
One should NOT drink concentrated lemon juice. its acidity is injurious to the enamel of teeth. Drinking through a straw to avoids this problem
LJ Cocktail. Combine fresh-squeezed juice of half a lemon with about 6 oz cold or warm (not too hot) water -optionally add some raw honey to taste. Drink once or twice a day.
Cleanses body when LJ mixed with cold water and taken on an empty stomach early in the morning. Add a little raw honey to make more palatable.
Sore throat. Dilute juice of half a lemon juice 50/50 with water and gargle frequently.
Constipation. Use warm water in LJ Cocktail when you want to relieve constipation.