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"No-Brainers" for Health Omega-3, Vitamin C Magnesium Iodine
Benefits of NIR radiation

Near Infrared (NIR) Therapy

The light spectrum frequencies range from 300nm to ~ 2000 nm wavelengths.    These include infrared, visible light (400-780nm), and ultraviolet light (includes fluorescent light).

Near or Far Infrared?

The visible part of the light spectrum ends in red, followed by the invisible light spectrum, which is:

NEAR-infrared radiation (NIR or infrared-A);  Wavelength 700-1500nm

MID-infrared (Infrared-B)

FAR-infrared (FIR or Infrared-C).

NIR cannot be felt as heat.   Mid and FAR infrared can be felt.   

NIR penetrates deep into body tissues.   Since water molecules poorly absorb NEAR infrared. However, MID and FAR infrared absorb water and so heat up tissue. >3000 nm has full absorption.

NIR health benefits

MID and FAR Infrared heat is used medically to increase blood circulation, but NIR,  which can not be seen or felt, has shown particular therapeutic benefits, documented in 100's of scientific papers over the past 3 decades 

•   Helps prime the cells in your retina for repair and regeneration.   Lack of NIR can cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in the U.S.

•   Cell energy production.    Chromophores optimally absorb 600-1400 nm (i.e. mostly NIR light) in cell mitochondria, which are responsible for producing ATP energy. In particular cytochrome c oxidase, involved in the final step in ATP production, absorbs light between 570 - 850 nm to boost energy production --- even in cells having low production levels. NIR enables all cells to function better, from helping liver cells to detoxify,  to enabling fibroblasts in skin to produce more collagen, in order to heal wounds and promote anti-aging.

The more NIR we obtain, the less electrons from food are needed to maintain thermal homeostasis in the body.

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