Table shows potential uses of Tulsi
within Ayurveda
(Ayurveda is India's holistic health system)
Ayurvedic preparation
Application for:
Respiratory system and normal body temperature support
Respiratory system health? promotion
Appetite support
Mahajwarankuca Rasa
Normal body temperature support
Jwarakunjana -- parindra Rasa
Stamina promotion and respiratory support
Bhallataka Lauha
Digestive system support, loss of appetite, and stamina
Bhaktavipaka Bati
Elimination system promotion
Dakamuladya Ghrita
Respiratory system support
Lauha Parppati
Maintaining blood sugar/pressure levels within the normal range
Vrihat Yogaraja Guggulu
Skeletal and joint system maintenance
Saurecwara Ghrita
Maintaining a normal digestive and elimination system
Rasacekhara Cwitrapanchanana and Durlabha Rasa
Promoting healthy skin
Mahanila oil
Healthy hair
Vakuladya oil
Dental hygiene suppor
Maktadi Mahanjana
Healthy vision promotion
Kumara Kalyana Ghrita
Dental hygiene promotion in children
Table adapted from
Tulsi -- The Mother Medicine of Nature, by Dr. Narendra