Parasites in the Body
Parasites -"Uninvited Guests"
Related Link:
Parasites - inside me!?
Parasites are now being recognized as the cause
for many undiagnosed diseases
There are more than 130 different kinds of parasites
that can inhabit the human body - which range from a microscopic
size to single and multi-celled worms.
How do parasites Gain entrance into the body?
Produce, dairy, undercooked meat
Infected water
Through a transmitting agent.
E.g. a
From pets. Pets host numerous
From the air.
microscopic parasites and fungi
From one another.
blood, saliva, semen, through sexual contact, the nose, skin and breast milk; meaning
by kissing on the mouth, sex, nursing and child bearing.
Where do Parasites Reside in the Body?
Most parasites live in the digestive tract
Many are in the blood and lymphatic systems
Parasites can also settle in the joints and muscles.
Where they form cysts which create inflammations with the resulting
pain often attributed to arthritis.
CNS - Their toxic by-products
(mainly ammonia) can attack the central nervous system often resulting in restlessness,
depression, anxiety, hypertension and fatigue.
Parasites tend to hang out in areas where heavy
metals are lodged - heavy
metals E.g. mercury, cadmium, kill good bacteria which would normally kill parasite
Human INTESTINAL parasites worms Symptoms
The symptoms of a fungal or parasitic infection are often identical
to those of a bacterial or viral infection, resulting in false diagnoses.
• Eating more than normal but still
feeling hungry
• Gastrointestinal / Digestive Problems
- constipation, diarrhea, stomach bloating, gas; bulky stools with excess fat in
feces; food insensitivities / environmental tolerance, irritable bowel syndrome
• Anemia
• Allergies - parasites can irritate,
inflame, and perforate the intestinal lining. This increases the permeability of
the intestinal walls allowing large undigested molecules to pass into the blood
stream leading to food allergies.
• Asthma
• Weakened immune system - Chronic fatigue,
chronic bacterial or viral infections
• Nervousness - restlessness, anxiety
• Joint and muscle pains and inflammation
often assumed to be arthritis
• Hives, rashes, weeping eczema, cutaneous ulcers,
swelling, sores, papular lesions, itching dermatitis (can occur if parasites
penetrate the skin );
• Experience multiple awakenings
during the night particularly between 2 and 3 am
• Drooling while sleeping - damp lips
at night and dry lips during the day
• Grinding teeth while asleep
• Depressed, apathetic, lethargic
• Difficulty gaining or losing weight -
no matter what you do
• Chronic candida - did a candida program
which either didn't help at all or helped somewhat but you still can't stay away
from bread, alcohol, fruit, or fruit juices;
• Yeast infections
• Itchy ears, nose, anus (especially at
• Chronic ear or sinus infections
• Forgetfulness, slow reflexes,
unclear thinking
• Loss of appetite
• Yellowish face
• Fast heartbeat, heart pain, pain
in the navel
• Pain in the back, thighs, shoulders,
navel arthritic pains
• Heart pain
• Numb hands
• Bed wetting
• Burning sensation in the stomach
• Problems with menstrual cycle
/Prostate problems or sexual dysfunction in men
• UTIs
• Hemorrhoids
• Cysts/Fibroids
• All skin problems
• Water retention (mostly from tapeworms)
• Crawling feeling under skin
• Floaters
• Liver/gallbladder trouble
People with intestinal parasite infections are usually:
Under-nourished and weak
Infected with viruses, fungi, or bacteria
Have various types of chemical and metal poisoning
Present in any disease, in any person, at any age
Parasites are a menace to the immune system and an underlying
cause for many health problems because they:
Secrete toxins - parasites
release toxic wastes - actually their feces and urine. Parasite urine is practically
pure ammonia, very harmful to the brain.
Steal vital nutrients from our bodies
Can irritate or exaggerate other health problems
you may be experiencing