Functions / Effects of NIR Class 4 laser therapy
Functions / Effects of NIR Class 4 laser therapy
Generally promoted functions:
Increased circulation
Immune stimulation / Immunoregulation / Immunomodulation
increased lymphatic drainage
Muscle relaxation
Improved vascular activity / vasodilation
• Type 1 collagen production (yields better tendon
and ligament strength and elasticity
Accelerated cell reproduction / tissue
repair and growth / faster wound healing
• Neurologic repair / axonal regeneration / improved
nerve function
Increased metabolic activity
Anti-inflammatory: reducing swelling,
Decreased fibrosis
• Acupuncture or trigger point stimulation
• Enhanced range of motion, function, flexibility
and mobility
Specific infrared frequencies perform different tasks:
In addition to power level, the laser wavelength determines
penetration depth (note that wavelength is inversely proportion to
its frequency)
nm - Accelerates Surface Healing. Absorbed well by melanin
in the skin. By inhibiting bacteria and promoting cell growth, it heals wounds and
regulates scar tissue
An optimal window
around 790 nm penetrates the deepest - Ideal for pain management.
In this window, laser photons are least absorbed by melanin,
hemoglobin and water, and therefore penetrate the deepest.
810 nm - Increases
cellular energy production. Allows cells'mitochondrial
cytochrome oxidase enzymes to absorb photons to promote ATP cellular energy production; particularly targets damaged cells;
915 nm - Enhances
oxygen delivery. Stimulates
hemoglobin molecule to deliver oxygen to treatment site to be used for energy production .
915 nm is hemoglobin's peak absorption wavelength.
970 nm - Stimulates
tissue microcirculation
Effects of laser photon beam
Primary effects
Energy from 400-1100nm wavelength photons are specifically
absorbed by chromophores in the skin (including melanin, blood and water).
Chromophores convert light energy to kinetic energy in mitochondria and cell membranes
of cells (E.g. fibroblasts) located up to ~4cm depth into the body. Scattered
photons from a Class 4 infrared laser produce an egg-shaped treatment area in tissue.
The ability of infrared lasers to target chromophores is utilized in cosmetic therapies
such as hair removal, skin resurfacing, and treating age spots, rosacea, and vascular
lesions / broken blood vessels.
Secondary effects
Primary reactions precipitate a cascade of metabolic
changes resulting in physiological changes to cells. E.g.
changing membrane permeability, release of calcium from mitochondria to change cell's
intrarcellular levels. This in turn stimulates cell metabolism and regulates signaling
pathways needed for wound repair, such as cell migration, RNA/DNA synthesis, cell
mitosis, protein secretion, and cell proliferation.
Tertiary effects
Secondary events induce distant effects.
Affected /energized cells communicate with each other and non-irradiated
cells via increased levels of cytokines and/or growth factors. This leads to an
increased immune response to control inflammatory healing (activates
T-cells, macrophages, several mast cells, and increases endorphin synthesis / decreases
bradykinin to control pain )
Practical pain management