STAGE IV / ADVANCED Cancer (NOT fast-growing)"
RIFE RESONANCE frequency therapy using GB-4000 - Gradually build up to full intensity to prepare for detoxification effects
Gradually build up to full intensity
Prepare for detoxification effects
To prevent anyone giving up a frequency protocol in response to severe
detoxification symptoms, it is critical that they prepare their bodies to minimize the
Herxheimer "Detoxification" reaction. This
occur when the immune sytem is overburdened from removing excessive amounts of
debris from the body. Of special mention, some daily tactics to help the
detoxification process along:
Flush the body by drinking plenty of water and use a biooxidative therapy
(E.g. drink ozonated
water or take a 30 min.
hydrogen peroxide footbath).
Utilize a sauna. Opens up the pores
to release toxins through the skin
Gradually build up exposure to the
frequencies over a few days. Allows the body to eliminate as many toxins as possible before
starting the full treatment protocol.
Tactics to build up exposure to
and intensity of frequencies when beginning protocol
When using the:
The easiest way to build-up to the full
treatment protocol is to place the
plasma/gas tube further away from
the body than when using it at its fullest intensity. E.g. you could
begin by putting the tube at a distance of 18 inches away from the body, and
gradually move closer on successive days according to your treatment
reaction symptoms. Some researchers wanting full effect put it only 2 inches
away from the body
If necessary,
Webster Kehr (deceased), previously of,
the following
tactics for overcoming a strong herxheimer /detoxification reaction:
After the initial treatments, have two days 'on'
the protocol and one day 'off '. Allows the body time to clear itself.
Adjust the number of 'on' and 'off
' days to
whatever the body can tolerate. However, keep in mind that an
aggressive schedule is necessary to attain success. Treatments of 3, 4, 5 and 6
times a week have had successful outcomes.
Some have been successful with treatments
6 days a week for the first two weeks,
and then reducing to 5, 4, or 3 days a week
You should use your own
judgement, adjusting the
schedule to whatever you determine is the maximum acceptable level for you
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