Alternative Treatments for how to treat gastric / stomach ulcers?
How to treat gastric / stomach ulcers
See mainstream treatments for stomach ulcers
to understand why it is better to use alternative methods.
Early recognition is the key to curing a stomach ulcer
By recognizing the symptoms
of a stomach ulcer as early as possible, the spread of the ulcer can be arrested
and fully cured within a few weeks. Ignoring the symptoms could lead to the spreading
of the ulcer, causing a lot of pain and discomfort, plus the possibility of serious
damage requiring constant medication.
Treatment goals
Short-term goals
• Eradicate
H. pylori
(in most stomach ulcer cases, these bacteria have colonized in the epithelium lining
the gastric mucosa)
• Protect the ulcer/sore
from further irritation.
(a) Reduce secretion / pH of gastric acid
(b) Aid gastroprotection i.e. Counteract
damage to ulcer / gastric mucosa by ways unrelated to inhibition of acid secretion
i.e. Coat ulcer, promote mucin production by mucus cells, remove irritant
factors from diet
• Aid healing /
repair of stomach lining
Long term goals (post treatment)
• Restore
healthy pH of gastric acid to prevent return of
H. pylori .
May require
a supplement of betaine HCl (hydrochloride) before meals. Promotes production of
additional hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
• Avoid causes
and lower risk factors of getting a stomach ulcer. Especially
use hygienic practices to avoid H. Pylori contamination in food and drink. Wash
hands after using the bathroom. H. Pylori is
also a major risk factor for stomach cancer.
Omega-3 EPA and Omega-6 GLA fatty acids
Omega-3 EPA (in
fish oil) and omega-6 GLA (in
blackcurrant, borage and evening primrose oils) provide fatty acids that can be
converted to Series 1 and 3
anti-inflammatory eicosanoids, in
competition for COX enzymes with
omega-6 AA fatty acids (in abundance in
today's typical seed oil rich diet), which convert to generally
inflammatory prostanoids
EPA is found in fish oil.
Fish oils provide alternative fatty acids to arachidonic acid. These acids
can be turned into some anti-inflammatory prostacyclins by
COX instead of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins .[11]
Polyphenol treatments
for stomach ulcers
Plant polyphenols have several properties that can kill
H. Pylori,
protect the stomach mucosal lining and heal stomach ulcers.
They do this by stimulating and upregulating the body's own natural antioxidant
/ anti-inflammatory defense systems.
Polyphenols - Antioxidant / Anti-inflammatory / Anti-cancer effects
A variety of polyphenols have been found to inhibit
COX-2 enzyme,
O'Leary et al, 2004
Grapefruit seed extract (Citrus paradisi)
Grapefruit seed extract reduces ulcers, kills H.
Pylori, and is gastroprotective (i.e. counteracts stomach lining damage)
Grapefruit seeds have
been shown to possess antibacterial (including anti-H.Pylori),
antiviral and antifungal properties. Such anti-microbial properties
are attributed to the antioxidative activity of citrus polyphenol flavonoids found
in grapefruit, including naringinin, catechins, epicatechin, epicatechin-3-O-gallate
and dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric procyanidins. Heggers,
2002; Reagor, 2002; Proteggente, 2002
Naringenin is a major bioactive flavonoid in grapefruit
(responsible for its bitter taste).
Naringinin exhibited potent anti-H. pylori activity in vitro
Bae et al, 1999 and was implicated in protecting
liver cells against injury [Blankson, 2000].
Naringenin was reported to exhibit gastroprotection against gastric injury
in rats predominantly due to an increase in mucus secretion, with the suggestion
of involvement of endogenous protective prostaglandins (PGs)
Motilva, 1994
Study also found that this extract in minute doses causes dose-dependent reduction
of acute gastric lesions induced in rats.
GSE heals ulcers in rats. As reported
by BBC News, in May 2005, researchers headed up by Dr. Thomas Brzozowski at Jagiellonian
University, in Poland, used GSE extract to heal stomach ulcers in rats.
Brzozowski et al, 2005 ;
The study authors concluded that GSE's beneficial effects were due to:
• Its antibacterial and antioxidant properties
• Significantly increasing blood flow at the ulcer sites;
• Mucosal generation of protective prostaglandin PGE2;
• Preserving body's antioxidant SOD enzyme activity;
• Reducing gastric acid production (also increased plasma
GASTRIN levels, which may be a secondary effect to inhibiting gastric acid production;
release of GASTRIN promotes ulcer healing); rats pretreated at 10mg GSE/kg
before inducing ulcers had a 50% reduction in gastric acid secretion;
• Reducing free radical-dependent lipid peroxidation.
• Protective effect in the stomach may also involve endogenous
prostaglandins (PGs) derived from COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity and neuropeptides
released from afferent sensory nerves.
Reduce but do not completely eradicate H. Pylori
Manuka Honey (Leptospermum
Take a tablespoon of Manuka Honey UMF 10+ or higher (UMF goes up
to 20+) before meals 3 times and before bedtime. This
honey (made from New Zealand bees feeding on tea tree bushes) has antibacterial,
antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties due to its rich polyphenol
content Cianciosi, 2018 and can cure most stomach problems
such as Barrett'sesophagus, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Reported to eradicate
H. Pyrori within a month.
Herbs / Plants
Panax ginseng.
Atsushi et al, 2010
Turmeric. Shown to very successfully
kill H. pylori . Turmeric is also one of the top herbal treatments for cancer.
Sivam, 2001
Licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra ).
In vitro study found that glycyrrhetinic acid inhibited 79.3% (23/29) of
pylori strains tested at ≤50 mg/L.
[Krausse et al, 2004]. Prevents H.
Pylori adhesion to gastric mucosa
Wittschier, 2009 . Orally administered glycyrrhizic acid is almost
completely hydrolysed into glycyrrhetinic acid in the stomach and absorbed in the
intestinal tract.
Amaranth seed extract. Its ability to scavenge
endogenous ROS was shown to account for the maintenance, integrity and homeostasis
of gastric mucosa.
Zayachkivsha et al, 2005
Capsaicin extract. In chili peppers. Reduces
gastric lesions
Other herbal extracts.
Several herbs extracted
in methanol have been shown to inhibit the growth of H. Pylori
in vitro at different
minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs). These herbs, which visibly
inhibit growth after overnight incubation, include Myristica fragrans
(nutmeg seed), Zingiber officinale (ginger rhizome/root)
, Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary leaf), Achillea millefolium (yarrow),
Foeniculum vulgare (fennel seed), Passiflora incarnata (purple
passion flower leaf), Origanum
majorana (oregano leaf) . Mahady
et al, 2005. All these herbs are available as extracts.
Substance / Extract
Reduces gastric acid production
Kills H.Pylori
Effective Dose
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE)
Brzozowski et al, 2005 ;
Bae et al, 1999
Brzozowski et al, 2005 ; Heggers, 2002; Reagor, 2002; Proteggente, 2002;
Brzozowski et al, 2005 ; Blankson, 2000;
Motilva, 1994 ;
Licorice root extract
Krausse et al, 2004 ;
Wittschier, 2009
Wittschier, 2009
Jalilzadeh-Amin et al, 2015
Sivam, 2001
Manuka honey
Cianciosi, 2018
Reduce population
Amaranth seed extract
Zayachkivsha et al, 2005
Panax ginseng
Atsushi et al, 2010
Achillea millefolium (yarrow)
PubMed ;
Myristica fragans (Nutmeg seed)
Protect / coat stomach mucosa
For bleeding ulcers, consume non-irritating fiber-containing mucilage.
The following foods help protect the stomach lining and are easy to digest and nutritious,
but be aware that most of these do not have any direct
affect on H. Pylori.
Slippery Elm Bark
Psyllium seed
Guar gum
Flaxseed (consume 2 tsp. fresh-ground flaxseed mixed in milk
or plain yogurt a couple times / day).
Licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza galabra)
Used against peptic ulcers
as an alternative to bismuth in quadruple therapy.
G. galabra protects against acid and pepsin secretions
by covering the lesion and promoting mucosal protective factors.
Asi, 2008
G. galabra has anti- H.
pylori effects. Similar to bismuth.
G. galabra supports
local prostaglandins that promote mucus secretion and cell proliferation in the
stomach. G. glabra extracts showed significant anti-ulcer activities in mice,
attributed to its antioxidant / radical scavenging activities protecting tissues
against radical / ROS damage and inflammation. Jalilzadeh-Amin
et al, 2015
May inhibit the adhesion of
H. pylori to human stomach
tissue. Both aqueous extracts (1 mg/mL) and polysaccharides from the
roots of the plant are strong anti-adhesives and show cytoprotective effects.
Wittschier et al., 2009.
Glycyrrhizic acid in licorice can raise blood pressure
when used on a frequent basis.
Encourage stomach lining to
produce mucus
Reduces contact between stomach lining and
stomach acid
• Eat Bananas
• Reduce stress
Avoid irritating foods / substances / triggers
• Alcohol
• Chocolate
• Spicy food
• Carbonated drinks
• NSAIDS / Aspirin
• Smoking
• Excessive regular salt?????
Regulate stomach acid
Note on apple cider vinegar (ACV).
The acidity provided by a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV) isn't going
to "amount to a hill of beans" in altering the stomach's acidity level
Chewing gum increases acidity.
Do not drink milk - The calcium and protein in milk stimulates the production
of more acid;
Specific cures
An ulcer cure using
MELATONIN + B vitamins + amino acids
Formula used contains:
melatonin (2.5mg), l-tryptophan (25mg),
vitamin B6 (200mg), folic acid (10mg), vitamin B12 (50lg), methionine (100mg) and
betaine (trimethylglycine)(100mg) in gelatin capsules taken ONCE / day. In the case
history below, treatment lasted for 9 months.
Souza Pereira, 2006
melatonin inhibits gastric acid secretion
and nitric oxide (NO) production.
et al demonstrated that a 4-wk administration of
melatonin in the diet significantly reduced
the incidence of spontaneous gastric ulcers in young pigs. The ulcers in this case
may have been due to a deficiency of melatonin
Recently, melatonin (combined with other
natural supplements) was successfully used to heal a patient
with a giant ulcer of 6 cm (about 3.2 inches). This type of ulcer is typical
of HIV positive patients. This patient took omeprazole and other PPIs prescribed
by gastroenterologists for months. Neither treatment produced even partial relief
of his symptoms. Subsequently, he started to lose weight because he could no longer
eat properly because of the acute pain, impaired swallowing and massive hematemesis
(Even when he tried to drink an apple blended with water he vomitted blood). As
a consequence, he lost 40 kg in 6 mo. After he consulted five gastroenterologists,
he was recommended to our research group. We prescribed him the above mentioned
formula with melatonin, vitamins and amino acids. In 32 d of treatment, he regained
30 kg and the ulcer was (eventually) cured. [Pereira,
2006 ]
Endoscopy records performed on patient. A: July 2003: Showing the ulcer
(indicated by an arrow); B: July 2004: Showing that the ulcer had practically disappeared
after 9 mo of treatment.
References Asl MN, Hosseinzadeh H. (2008) Review of pharmacological
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