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Apple Cider Vinegar / ACV for Health

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV)

ACV is produced when apple juice obtained from crushing whole apples is first fermented to alcohol (making wine) and then to acetic acid (making vinegar).

History of ACV

ACV is mentioned in the Bible as an antiseptic and healing agent

Hippocrates, the father of medicine thought of ACV as a powerful elixir and a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. The Romans, the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians as far back as 3000 BC used ACV for various ailments.

Form of beneficial ACV

Beneficial form of ACV is organic, unfiltered and in its raw, undistilled state with the "mother".   Many producers distill their vinegar to produce a customer-approved, clear, light-colored vinegar.

  • Distillation heat removes beneficial phytonutrients and destroys malic and tartaric acids.   Important in fighting toxins and inhibiting unfriendly bacteria.

  • Don't take ACV pills.    There's no guarantee that they contain any ACV and there are reports of them causing chemical burns to the throat.

  • Get ACV with "The Mother"(mother of vinegar).   This is a cobweb-like substance made of cellulose and the fermentation bacteria, which makes the vinegar look murky brown. Today, manufacturers often distil the vinegar to remove this nutritious component, since the clear, sparkling look sells better.

Beneficial substances in ACV

Phytonutrients, Malic /tartaric acids, and enzymes

ACV is rich in phytonutrients (plant nutrients/chemicals).  Modern laboratory analysis has found ACV to be rich in beneficial phytochemicals, including:

  • Quercetin.   A flavonoid studied for it's role in cancer prevention and suppression of tumor growth;
  • Certain phytochemicals act to deliver calcium to the muscles.   Ending once and for all restless leg syndrome and cramps;
  • A phytonutrient that enhances proper acid and enzyme production in your stomach;
  • ACV contains NO caffeine, theobromine, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, or zeaxanthin

Acids.    Acetic acid, malic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid.

  • Malic acid enhances cellular energy production and helps burn fat.    Szent-Gyorgyi found that malic acid kicks red muscle into using oxygen to produce its energy rather than anaerobically (Note that red muscle is red because of its oxygen content). Instead of reducing the effects of lactic acid, malic acid signals the mitochondria to use oxygen to burn fat or glucose. Malic Acid is a key intermediate "player"in the "Krebs Cycle"- a complex, naturally occurring process within the cell mitochondria, which produces ATP.

Malic acid is alkalizing.     Although acidic in the stomach, malic acid becomes alkaline when it enters the blood stream and may help to offset the high acidity that builds up as a result of lactic and uric acid.

  • Acetic acid buffers base and acid toxic compounds.   Fermenting apple juice to alcoholic apple cider, and then letting the oxygen interact with it, turns the alcohol into acetic acid. To help this process along from the alcoholic base, "mother" is added -  this is the spider web look-alike bacterial foam that forms during the fermentation process.

▲  Increases the body's absorption of important food minerals.   As a salad dressing it aids absorption of minerals from the vegetables. E.g. calcium, so important in preventing osteoporosis.

▲  Dissolves Body Toxins.    ACV acts as a buffer in the body because its acetic acid reacts with base or acid compounds to form an acetate, therefore rendering them chemically bioavailable for the body's utilization. ACV can reduce the toxicity of certain compounds by converting the toxin into an acetate compound, which is less toxic. This is why they are ideal for insect bites and certain skin allergies.

Enzymes.    Aid digestion; enzymes can be destroyed if ACV is heated too high;

ACV does not contain . . .

Contrary to information on many websites ACV DOES NOT CONTAIN significant amounts of minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, fiber or amino acids

  • Only 1mg. calcium /Tbsp. ACV.   Compared to 300mg in 8oz. milk;
  • A mere 11mg. potassium /Tbsp. ACV.   Compared to 159 mg in a medium sized apple or 433mg in 1 medium banana;
  • Insignificant iron, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, chlorine, silicon, fluorine, or sulfur;
  • No Vitamin A, C, E, K, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), folate.  According to the USDA;
  • No measurable amount of pectin!.   A water soluble fiber that soaks up water and adds bulk, and is reported to prevent cholesterol's reabsorption in the body;
  • No amino acids

DISCLAIMER: The content on this website is intended for informational, and educational purposes only and not as a substitute for the medical advice, treatment or diagnosis of a licensed health professional. The author of this website is a researcher, not a health professional, and shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive or other damages arising from any use of the content of this website. Any references to health benefits of specifically named products on this site are this website author's sole opinion and are not approved or supported by their manufacturers or distributors.

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