DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol, aka. Deanol) is an organic compound (similar to choline) naturally produced in the human brain. It is also found in some foods, such as anchovies, salmon, and sardines.
DMAE is involved in a series of reactions that take place in the brain to form ACETYLCHOLINE. A neurotransmitter which helps neurons (nerve cells) communicate.
DMAE readily crosses the blood brain barrier (BBB). Unlike choline, another precursor to ACETYLCHOLINE, DMAE can pass the BBB more effectively.
DMAE is what is known as a methyl donor. Havng 2 methyl molecules attached to its nitrogen molecule;
DMAE is available and sold as bitartrate salt of DMAE. A white powder containing 37% DMAE, it is used as a dietary supplement and as an addition to topical applications.
DMAE has been shown to be as effective as Ritalin for ADHD.
DMAE is used in topical skin creams to tighten sagging skin.
DMAE is a bioavailable precursor for Choline, a member of the B vitamin family and the building block for Acetylcholine (Ach) and Phosphatydl choline. There is considerable evidence that DMAE can increase endogenous choline and acetylcholine levels in animals.
DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) --> Methionine phosphatydyl-DMA --> Choline --> Acetylcholine (Brain Neurotransmitter)
Replaces phosphatydl choline in cell membrane