Vitamin B Complex (especially Vitamins B3, B6 and B12) andmagnesium;
St John's Wort, Tyrosine (poultry, almonds, avocados, bananas dairy products, lima beans, pumpkin, seeds sesame seeds), Ginger,
Marine Oil and
Flax Seed Oil
B3 and B6 aid SEROTONIN synthesis.
However, note that Vitamin B6 taken in doses > 5mg causes 5-HTP to be converted into SEROTONINbefore it passes into the brain - Since SEROTONIN does not pass the blood-brain barrier as easily as 5-HTP does, this effect is undesirable.
Tryptophan-rich foods
Protein: turkey, chicken, fish, pheasant, partridge, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, milk, cheese.
Non-Protein: bananas, wheat germ, avocados, and the legumes (beans, peas, pulses, soy)
Naturally boost SEROTONIN levels.
Tryptophan is such a large molecule, other more easily absorbed amino acids in protein actively compete with it to cross the blood-brain barrier. In order to divert them, and encourage the uptake of tryptophan it is helpful to eat starchy foods, such as brown rice, whole meal bread, oatmeal and jacket potatoes, alongside the protein foods.