How to use Ionic Colloidal Silver for health problems
How to use Ionic Colloidal Silver for health problems
instruments Please read this
ICS can be applied orally ,
topically , in a
nebulizer , vaginally, rectally,
and used in the eyes,ears, nose and
ICS usually works (i.e. kills micro-organisms)
you can get a high enough concentration to the affected area, and keep the ICS
in contact with the micro-organisms for a sufficient period of time -
treatments should be continued for a few days after symptoms have gone, to
ensure all microbes are dealt with.
Dosage s
dose - 4 teaspoons of 5ppm ICS / day provides 100mcg silver, similar to
the average daily intake from
fruits and vegetables pre-1940s, before soil minerals became very
dose -2-4 oz / 4-8 Tbsp.
of 5 ppm ICS (as made by SOTA® Silver Pulser)
twice per day is suggested.
To Speed up / Enhance absorption of ICS out of
the Stomach/Small intestines and into the blood- Do Either one OR the
other of the following 2 methods - Do NOT do both.
• Add 1/3 Gatorade to 2/3
• Add 1 drop of 3% Hydrogen
Peroxide to 4 oz ICS - and let
it sit for 15 minutes to stabilize.
Some infections can only be reached via your blood -
for absorption through the stomach /
small intestinal wall and into the blood , silver particles must
be .015 micron or smaller as found in clear to light gold ICS.The methods above cause the colloidal particles to become even smaller
and the particle content to increase significantly, improving both its
absorption and effectiveness.
Note: You would not want to speed up
absorption into the blood for food poisoning or for attacking pathogens in the
stomach or intestines, since you want the ICS to remain in the stomach /
intestines for as long as possible.
Time for Effectiveness - It may
take up to 4 days of taking colloidal silver orally before it reaches maximum
effectiveness. ICS is most effective when taken regularly to prevent illness
from pathogens. Serious burn patients do not so easily succumb to sometimes
fatal secondary infections if they have been taking a maintenance dose of silver
previous to being burnt.
Digestive Interaction - Due to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine, ICS
solutions of ~5 ppm taken in moderation (less than 2oz (i.e. 4Tbsp.) per dose)
do not usually reach the large intestine.
To purposely reach the
large intestine (Colon): E.g. In diseases like cholera and diarrhea the
disease-causing germ resides mainly in the large intestine. For these problems,
take doses greater than 2 oz washed down with a lot of water. There is no reason
to suppose that intestinal flora is not also affected by colloidal silver - so
to ensure a population of "good bacteria" in the colon, take a probiotic
supplement following treatment.
• To promote absorption away
from the Intestinal tract: Swish the colloidal silver around
in your mouth and under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing, take
smaller doses throughout the day, or take with meals.
The idea is to keep the treated area damp with the ICS by applying as
often as needed (3-4 times per day is usual) - Some
external infections take a long
time to eliminate. Bacteria can hide in skin layers, hair follicles and pores,
plus they may re-infect from your pillow or clothes. Apply every few hours and
don't quit as soon as it looks good. Darker gold colored ICS solution (higher
silver concentration, ppm) can be used for any non -oral use. Of course,
lighter colored ICS can be used too.
Apply ICS from a spray / misting bottle
Or with a soaked cotton-ball /small cotton cloth .
Or Mix ICS with 99% aloe vera gel - an idea to help the ICS stay on the treated area better.
Nebulization is the best method of using ICS with
Lung and Sinus-related Problems - a small
device (cost ~$35), called a nebulizer,
atomizes the ionic colloidal silver so
that you can breathe it into the lungs
Nebulizing ICS
Alternatively use an ultrasonic humidifier - first clean, then rinse water chamber with distilled water; Add 5-6 oz ICS, then
breathe mist from about 12 inches away from exhaust, for about 10 minutes, 2 - 3
times a day. To reach the sinuses breathe in deeply through the nose and out
through the mouth. As an optional, supplemental treatment, use a humidifier
containing ICS in the bedroom at night