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Ionic Colloidal Silver for health

Ionic Colloidal Silver (ICS)- The "Silver Bullet?"

What is Ionic Colloidal Silver?

An antimicrobial and immune system booster

Known as a bactericide for at least 1200 years.   ICS is used against bacterial infections, both as a remedy and prevention. ICS also disables viruses.

In his best seller "The Body Electric", Dr. Robert O. Becker, a leading research scientist in the field of bone regeneration, stated:

"The germ killing action of silver has been known for some time. The Soviets use silver ions to sterilize recycled water aboard their space stations. It kills even antibiotic-resistant strains, and also works on fungus infections."

He goes on to say:

"It stimulates bone-forming cells, cures the most common stubborn infections of all kinds of bacteria, and stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues."

Becker found that all cancer patients had a definite deficiency of silver.    A silver deficiency leads to an impaired immune system.

The "Technicals"


NOTE on parts per million (ppm) in colloidal silver: refers to total amount of silver in both ions and colloids; however, on its own, ppm does NOT rate the efficacy of the solution.  What counts is how many particles the silver has been divided into ( i.e. the size of the silver ion /particle in the solution; ions are the smallest size possible).  To explain this ---  1 ppm is 1 mg of silver in 1 liter of water. If that 1 mg silver were consumed as one piece it would have no health effect whatsoever. However, divided into many pieces, the silver concentration is still 1 ppm, but the efficacy for health purposes is much better. The smaller the pieces - the better! A good colloidal silver is crystal clear, indicating that the pieces are so small that they can not refract light. The SOTA Silver pulser produces a ppm of 4.4 - 6.3.

Ions and particles in Colloidal Silver

Ionic Colloidal SIlver (also called "electro-silver", the form used in the Beck Protocol) is made by the "low voltage electrolysis" method in distilled water - this produces a solution with a concentration of silver ions/particles of ~5 ppm. ICS has a silver content (by weight) of about 75-90% silver ions and the rest colloidal silver particles. Silver ions are positively charged and so ICS is conductive.

A silver ion.   A silver atom which has lost an electron and consequently becomes positively charged. Due to the mutual repulsion of the charges of silver ions, these positively charged ions remain dispersed in solution  and do not cluster. (In making Ionic Colloidal Silver, silver ions are drawn off the positive 99.9999% silver electrode in the water, in which they are water soluble). Their positive charge is of primary importance in healing, and killing bacteria.

Colloidal silver particle (sometimes called a "nanoparticle"; 1nm-1000nm ).   These extremely small (5 - 15 nm ), atoms or molecules of silver remain  indefinitely suspended in water as a colloidal suspension and do not settle out.  A 1 nm diameter silver nanoparticle contains a cluster of 31 silver atoms and has  a negative charge (called the zeta potential) due to adsorption of negatively charged hydroxide ions (from ionized water) on the particle's surface.

NOTE: The term "Colloidal silver" is an umbrella term for different types of colloidal silver suspensions:  E.g. nanosilver (particles average <100nm); ionic colloidal silver (5 - 15 nm); metallic silver (silver particles average >100nm diameter).

What Does Ionic Colloidal Silver Do?

In the body, it lessens the load on the immune system.   By killing the many "bugs" present. The immune system is then able to keep up with its day-to-day jobs. Note that a properly functioning immune system kills cancer cells at a rate about the same as they occur (a normal, healthy body supposedly produces ~40 million cancer cells a day).

Energizes the electrical system of the body.     The body functions better, resulting in better health, energy and vigor.

Ionic Colloidal Silver Is an Exceptional Antibiotic.   Acting as a catalyst, ICS may be the only natural, harmless, non toxic antibiotic effective against almost all pathogens.


Ionic Colloidal Silver(ICS)

Pharmaceutical Antibiotics

Non-toxic at small concentrations. Harmless to all parts of the body - including the body's enzymes. Promotes healing with less scar tissue. Aids liver regeneration.

Gastro-intestinal upset. Can harm liver, kidneys and enzymes

Kills 650 pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungus and yeast.

A particular antibiotic will kill only a few bacteria types and not many will kill fungi. Viruses are immune to antibiotics.

Bacteria, even so-called "Super Bugs", not likely to become resistant to ICS.  Ionic silver attacks a broad range of targets in microbes.  

Found effective against most pathogens at certain nanoparticle size, including:

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV-1; Herpes Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1); Respiratory synctial virus; Monkeypox virus; Influenza virus; Tacaribe virus (TCRV); Hepatitis B virus (HBV);

Galdiero et al, 2011

Epstein Barr virus, Gonorrhea bacteria, parasites, Candida and Lyme's disease

Many diseases are becoming resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics

Silver causes death of bacteria within 6 minutes - by disabling their respiration ability

Kills the bacteria when it tries to divide (penicillin type antibiotics) or will prevent the pathogen from dividing (tetracycline type antibiotics)

Inexpensive to make today (used to be very expensive in early 1900's)


How Does Ionic Colloidal Silver Work?

Silver kills or disables bacteria, viruses and fungi.   It does this by acting as a positively-charged catalyst to attract and unite oxygen and microbes , such that oxygen can then use its oxidative ability to deal with these microbes, which are subsequently cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. See: Bioxidative therapy

"Silver'smode of action is presumed to be dependent on Ag+ ions, which strongly inhibit bacterial growth through suppression of respiratory enzymes and electron transport components and through interference with DNA functions"  Galdiero et al, 2011

Ionic Colloidal Silver Storage

Stores with near full potency for about 1 month.   After 6 months it can lose most of its potency.

Keep in dark amber or cobalt blue glass containers.    Since colloidal silver is photo-reactive it will turn gray in light, therefore, it should be kept in containers that exclude light.If it turns gray, throw it away.

Store at a cool temperature, in a dark area, but not refrigerated or frozen.

Does Ionic Colloidal Silver Cause any adverse Reactions?

Ionic Colloidal Silver is painless on cuts and abrasions, in open wounds, in the nostrils and even in babies' eyes.    Silver nitrate, a silver compound used to be routinely put into the eyes of newborn babies to prevent infection.

Used internally in moderate quantities, it is safe and healthy for the body. For decades, prestigious journals such as the Lancet, the British Medical Journal and the Journal of the American Medical Association have attested to the safety and efficacy of crude "ground-up particle" colloidal silver, usually many times more concentrated, and yet much less effective thantoday'sionic colloidalsilver.

-   Cleansing Reactions.     If pathogens are killed off too quickly, the body's five eliminatory channels (liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and bowel) may be temporarily overloaded, causing flu-like conditions and /or rash. To ease detoxification symptoms and flush out dead pathogens, drink plenty of water. People with serious problems should build up to a therapeutic dose over a few days.

-   Drug Interactions.    Other than reactions from massive doses of silver salts, there is no known silver and drug/medicine/herb interaction of any kind.

Note on Argyria

This condition is usually caused by the massive intake of silver salts (compounds), such as silver nitrate, silver sulfate and silver chloride.    The body starts to store the excess silver in the tissue and collagen in the fingernails. This is noticed by a grey/blue tinge of the fingernails and the skin and has no known detrimental effect other than the bluish /grey color. There has never been a case of argyria reported from the use of properly made and stored ionic colloidal silver, and thus free of salts or other impurities, which could produce silver compounds. Argyria is caused by compounds of silver and not by Ionic Colloidal Silver. The colloidal component of ICS provides numerous sites for the silver chloride (produced in the stomach by hydrochloric acid), to precipitate out on when it arrives in the blood. Without them, they would be photo-reduced in the skin.


Galdiero, S., Falanga, A., Vitiello, M., Cantisani, M., Marra, V., & Galdiero, M. (2011). Silver nanoparticles as potential antiviral agents. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 16(10), 8894-8918. Link


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