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Powerful bio-oxidative (oxidative /oxygenating) health therapies and how they work

Biooxidative Therapy - Oxidative / Oxygenating

Some powerful biooxidative therapies

Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 )Therapy

Ozone (O3) Therapy

Chlorine Dioxide Therapy

Ionic Colloidal Silver (attracts oxygen)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

What kind of therapy is this?

Biooxidative therapy (sometimes called oxygen therapy) uses oxidants in LOW, CONTROLLED amounts (well below the toxic threshold) for internal, oral/dental or topical (external) therapeutic use. Note - not all biooxidative therapies are suitable for internal use.

The chemical definition of an oxidant is:

"A substance that contains oxygen and gives it up readily  +  The halogens"

Controlled amounts of the therapy substance (E.g. O3, H2O2, ClO2) break down to form low doses of various reactive oxidants providing the driving force behind the therapy - the therapeutic radical and non-radical oxidants produced include:

  • Hydroxyl Radical (OH)
  • Superoxide radical ( O2-)
  • Oxygen (3O2)
  • Singlet Oxygen (1O2*)
  • Active oxygen atom (O1*)
  • Peroxyl/Alkoxyl radicals
  • Nitric Oxide (NOO)
  • Peroxynitrite (OONO-)
  • Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)

and others, depending on the actual therapy and specific reactions. Some derived oxidants are still being determined for some reactions.

Bioxidative therapy has the following beneficial effects to help treat many health problems  - some of these effects are obviously only obtained when therapy is applied systemically:




Stimulate immune function

Oxidizes cancer cells (and other weak/abnormal cells) and inhibits tumor metabolism

Oxidizes toxins, facilitating their excretion

Oxidizes bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, protozoa,

Scavenges free radicals

Chelates heavy metals, working well with EDTA

Deactivates viruses

Prevents shock

Circulation / Oxygen


Breaks up red blood cell clumping

Cleans arteries and veins, improving circulation

Increases cellular ATP energy production

Increases partial pressure of oxygen in the blood

Prevents stroke damage

Reduces cardiac arrhythmia


Normalizes hormone and enzyme production

Stimulates production ofcell-protective antioxidant enzymes


Reduces inflammation

Reduces pain

Stops bleeding

Supports/enhances healing process


Calms the nerves

Improves brain/memory function


Purifies the blood and lymph

Prevents/reverses degenerative disease

Prevents/Treats communicable diseases

Prevents/Eliminates auto-immune diseases

Follow links for more information on these beneficial functions of biooxidative therapy:

Oxygenating / Increase ATP Energy Production

Pathogen killer / Toxin eliminator /Anti-Cancer

Stimulate immune system

Increases Cell-protective Antioxidant Enzymes

"If your car has dirt in its oil, has half its air supply cut off, and has never had an air or gas or oil filter changed, it will die after sputtering along for a while."

- Ed McCabe - Author: "Flood Your Body with Oxygen"

To be an effective oxidant against health problem / disease:

  • Oxidant must be delivered to the appropriate infection /problem site - not all biooxidative therapies are suitable for internal use
  • Oxidant must be the right type to oxidize a specific pathogen
  • Oxidant dose must be low enough not to harm healthy cells, but high enough to be effective
  • Host must be able to tolerate specific oxidant and dose, and the chosen delivery method

Factors in dealing with pathogens:

  • Some pathogens may be more resistant to oxidants;
  • Pathogen may convert to other non-oxidizable forms - E.g. spores, cysts or eggs;
  • Pathogen may "hide" in a site inpenetrable to oxidants;
  • Presence of excessive antioxidants or drugs during treatment quench medicinal oxidants.

Inhaled oxygen is a low-key biooxidative therapy - but only ~15% of the oxygen you draw into the body is absorbed into the bloodstream, which must then be delivered to body cells and tissues to raise tissue oxygen levels, kill pathogens, remove abnormal cells, and thus protect and support healthy cells and a strong immune system. Bioxidative therapies step up this process beyond what is possible by just drawing breath.

Other weak forms of bioxidative therapy include:

  • Aerobic "Oxygenating" Therapy
  • Iodine
  • Magnesium Peroxide

Biooxidative therapy - a paradox - Dr. ROS Jeckyll and Mr. ROS Hyde

Health problems generally involve oxidative stress in the body's cells, meaning that ROS are overwhelming cellular antioxidant systems.   So when using oxidants for therapeutic purposes, logic says that we would be adding more ROS to a body in which there are already so many that they are causing problems (at present there is evidence of ROS involvement in more than 100 disease states)

ROS produced by Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide (and other biooxidative therapies) have both "Dr. Jeckyll" and "Mr. Hyde" roles.   These are typically used in low, controlled amounts balanced with an antioxidant presence to attain their beneficial effects:

On the NEGATIVE side:

  • ROS Inflict oxidative damage to enzymes
  • ROS Induce mutations
  • ROS Damage cell membranes

On the POSITIVE side:

  • ROS Are involved in cellular chemical activity. E.g. increasing cellular ATP energy production
  • ROS Activate gene transcription
  • ROS Activate signal transduction
  • ROS are active in apoptosis (planned and beneficial cell death)
  • ROS Shield the "good guys" from the "cross-fire"- by evoking an increase in their cell membrane antioxidant enzyme systems. It is speculated that they elicit similar responses from other matrix and cell organelle-related antioxidant systems.
  • ROS Destroy viruses, bacteria and fungi - all of which would otherwise continue to inflict cellular oxidative injury.

For more detailed information, see:

Life's Oxygen Paradox - Meet Dr. ROS Jeckyll and Mr. ROS Hyde

DISCLAIMER: The content on this website is intended for informational, and educational purposes only and not as a substitute for the medical advice, treatment or diagnosis of a licensed health professional. The author of this website is a researcher, not a health professional, and shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive or other damages arising from any use of the content of this website. Any references to health benefits of specifically named products on this site are this website author's sole opinion and are not approved or supported by their manufacturers or distributors.

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