Bio-oxidative Therapy - Pathogen killer, Toxin eliminator, Anti-Cancer
Biooxidative Therapy - Pathogen Killer / Toxin Eliminator / Anti-cancer
Oxidants are used by immune system (IS)to "Clean House"
Certain activated IS white blood cells
(WBCs / leukocytes)
produce strong
to kill pathogens at infection
sites, and oxidize (Eliminate toxins and abnormal cells . For Example: Phagocytes
Hydrogen Peroxide H2 O2
, hydroxyl radical OH• ,
and ozone O 3 to kill
bacteria and viruses.
**Oxidants are atoms or molecules which take
electrons from other molecules, in contrast to reductants which donate
to oxidants.
Biooxidative therapy lends the immune system a helping hand
Biooxidative therapy provides
oxidants to supplement the I.S. attack
forces. Similarly
dealing with microbial infection (i.e. pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi,
protozoa), Oxidizing toxins and
eliminating abnormal cells
The following therapies (at appropriate doses)
provide or produce physiological
oxidants (mainly
reactive oxygen species (ROS) ):
Chlorine dioxide therapy (CDT using MMS)
Ozone Therapy
Hydrogen peroxide Therapy
Aerobic Oxygen Therapy
- 100%
oxygen breathed in a hyperbaric chamber at high pressure
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) -
produces singlet oxygen
Sodium chlorite Therapy
Singlet oxygen Therapy
Others - include zinc peroxide, UV light, benzoyl peroxide, permanganate,various quinones
(e.g. Pau D'Arco contains active quinone compounds,
benzoquinone, rhodizonic acid),various glyoxals
(e.g. glyoxal, methyl glyoxal), anodes, artemisinin, methylene blue, allicin
ROS can damage cell membranes
Phospholipids and
lipoproteins provide integrity to cell membranes - without which the cell is unable to survive
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) ,
such as singlet oxygen 1 O 2 *
hydroxyl radical (OH• )
can oxidize
unsaturated fatty acids comprising the phospholipid layer of bacterial and body
cell membranes -
referred to as lipid peroxidation, such
forms hydroperoxides,
which can cause irreparable damage to
membranes not protected by
antioxidant systems . There is also a synergistic effect with cellular-formeds
Effects include:
Increased membrane rigidity
activity of membrane-bound enzymes (E.g. sodium/potassiumpumps)
activity of membrane receptors
Reactions involving radicals occur in chain
reactions. Note in diagram above that a hydrogen is abstracted from the fatty
acid by hydroxyl radical, leaving a carbon-centered radical as part of the fatty
acid. That radical then reacts with oxygen to yield the peroxy radical, which
can then react with other fatty acids or proteins.
( R. Bowen, Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen, Colorado State University.
Link )
can also directly attack membrane proteins and induce lipid-lipid, lipid-protein
and protein-protein crosslinking. All affecting membrane function.
How do oxidants eliminate pathogens, toxins and abnormal cells?
effect of biooxidative therapy
oxidants stimulates immune system (IS) function.
Allows the IS to be more
effective at doing its job of removing "undesireables" from the body
Anaerobic bacteria,
viruses, fungi and damaged /abnormal cells have
weak or non-existent
protection systems in their membranes and thus fall prey to oxidants
and are destroyed or inactivated.
Bacteria. Singlet oxygen ( 1 O2 *
) and hydroxyl radical •
( OH•
) (produced by biooxidative therapies) are known to disrupt
the bacterial cell envelope by oxidizing its structural phospholipids
and lipoproteins and forming
hydroperoxides , which cause irreparable damage to membranes not protected
systems. Lipid peroxidation products include
and peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ozonides, carbonides, carbonyls, alkanes
and alkenes.
Fungi (E.g.Candida albicans, athlete's foot, molds, mildews, yeasts)- The mechanism of their destruction is still under discussion, but
certain oxidants are purported to inhibit their cell growth at certain stages.
Viruses. Oxidants damage the viral capsid and
disrupt its reproductive cycle by interrupting the virus-to-cell contact with
peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to
invasion by viruses also make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination.
Toxins .
oxidize toxic chemicalsfor
elimination from the body.
Cancer Cells
are antineoplastic i.e. inhibit the
growth of rapidly dividing cells
Due to in sufficient
catalase (CAT) and
peroxidase (GPx)
antioxidant enzymes in their cell membranes, cancer cells are incapable of
effectively inactivating cell-membrane destroying peroxides
resulting from biooxidative therapy
oxygenation effect of biooxidative therapy deters cells from becoming cancerous
and boosts immune system to deal with abnormal /cancerous cells
"A Lightning Storm" Effect Eliminates Weak / Abnormal Cells
One way to understand the effects of
oxidative therapies is to realize that
at appropriately controlled
provide a "storm"that
destroys weak structures, but leaves intact the strong, healthy
structures that are able to withstand the onslaught.Our healthy body cells have adequate
protection against this type of
"natural selection"process, whereas weak, abnormal cellsdo not, and are thus "taken out".
biooxidative treatment, lactate levels decrease providing evidence that cancer
cell metabolism has indeed been inhibited - due to an increased rate of
glycolysis, malignant cells produce more lactate than normal cells.
Antioxidants control oxidant activity to
protect healthy cells
activity and presence in the body is controlled by various means:
metabolic and immune system oxidants
are produced only where and when they are needed
Oxidants preferentially neutralize one anothe. Thus keeping their numbers down and preventing tissue damage
Antioxidants protect healthy cells from oxidant damage.
As the "burning" / oxidation
process takes place throughout the body,
antioxidants prevent over-oxidation,
by providing a cooling or regulating system to
maintain the metabolic "temperature" at a constant level.
Normal, healthy cells have
antioxidant enzyme
systems (supported
by specific dietary trace minerals) to protect
the unsaturated
fatty acids in cellular membranes from damaging peroxidation
- these enzyme systems:
superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT),reductase and
glutathione peroxidase (GPx) )
that protect healthy lipid membranes from
oxidation , require a sufficiency of their needed support minerals.
Fat-soluble dietary antioxidant vitamins
A, D, K, E
protect fatty acids in the cell membrane
Water-soluble dietary
antioxidant vitamin B's
and C
protect against oxidative
damage in watery areas E.g. blood, lymph and the cell
Antioxidant "Damage Control"
HOWEVER, To prevent interference with the oxidative
nature of H2 O2 therapy
you should not take antioxidants within 2 hours of a bio-oxidative treatment.