Results from studies indicate that LDN benefits the immune system in several ways:
• LDN reduces inflammation /oxidative stress
• LDN reduces apoptosis of oligodendrocytes in MS
• LDN down regulates but doesn't eliminate inflammatory cytokines
• LDN facilitates tissue repair and wound healing
• LDN targets microglial cells (small non-neural cells that collect waste products of CNS nerve tissue) and neuropeptides (endogenous protein molecules that influence neural activity by carrying information directly to the cells and tissues. Included are VP, CCK, substance P, enkephalins, and endorphins) .
• LDN stimulates the release of neurotrophic factor (family of substances with roles in neuron maintenance and survival) from astroglia (neuron support cells)
• LDN restores CD4 levels in HIV infection
• LDN increases levels of natural killer (NK) lymphocytes
• LDN increases beta endorphin levels - research is finding that natural endorphins play a part in the body's immune system (IS)
"Opioid-Induced Immune Modulation: .... Preclinical evidence indicates overwhelmingly that opioids alter the development, differentiation, and function of immune cells, and that both innate and adaptive systems are affected.
Bone marrow progenitor cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, immature thymocytes and T cells, and B cells are all involved.
The relatively recent identification of opioid-related receptors on immune cells makes it even more likely that opioids have direct effects on the immune system."
Review article: Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain, Feb 2004 NE J. of Med :
Informative website states that taking LDN at bedtime improves immune function - by marginally blocking your opioid receptors for a few hours in the middle of the night, which is believed to up-regulate vital elements of your immune system by increasing your body's production of metenkephalin and endorphins (your natural opioids), hence improving immune function.
LDN blocks opioid receptors
For information on using LDN against cancer: