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Body's Flora - Indigenous Bacteria in the Human Body

Body's Flora -  Indigenous Bacteria in the Human Body

About one hundred trillion bacteria live inside you.   Up to a 1000 species and more than TEN TIMES the number of cells you have in your body! These indigenous bacteria are referred to as the body's flora and live in many areas of your body, including the skin, intestines, mouth, nose, pharynx, urethra and vagina

 Flora in the Body

Organisms are considered either "friendly" or "unfriendly".   When "Friendlies" and "Unfriendlies" have an appropriately balanced presence, the body can better maintain health.

friendly vs. unfriendly bacteria in body

Friendly Bacteria

•   "Friendly" bacterial flora provide many health benefits to the body

Beneficial Flora Health Benefits

•   "Friendly" bacterial flora thrives on dietary fiber and other so called prebiotic foods.

Unfriendly organisms.   Includes pathogenic bacteria,friendly bacteria multiplying out of control, and fungi, such asyeast E.g. Candida albicans;

•   The "Unfriendly"organisms in your body thrive on sugar.   Imagine the "party"those pathogenic bacteria and fungi (incl. yeast) are having when you feed them !

Body's beneficial flora can be enhanced

How to increase body's beneficial flora

What reduces body's probiotic flora?

The following factors reduce probiotic presence in favor of pathogenic organisms.    Including pathogenic bacteria and fungi (E.g. the yeast Candida Albicans):

•  Antibiotics.    Include those given to livestock for food production, antibacterial soaps

•  Poor nutrition.   Refined grains, processed foods, sugar/fructose almost exclusively feed pathogens in your digestive system, allowing them to proliferate.

•  Toxins.   Chlorinated/fluoridated water, environmental pollution, agricultural herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, NSAIDS, cleaning chemicals, smoking etc;

•  Contraceptive pills

•  Stress.    E.g. having surgery

•  Alcohol.   Beer and wine

•  Bottle feeding

How to increase body's beneficial flora

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