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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

How to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

There are two main goals in dealing with PCOS and preventing related miscarriage:

(1) Balance hormones

Normalize hormones to improve ovulation.    Particularly balance sex steroid hormones (i.e. estrogens, androgens, Progesterone; many women with PCOS have high levels of Testosterone and low levels of Progesterone)

Improve thyroid activity

 Improving thyroid function can eliminate ovarian cysts - by lowering estrogen levels and causing the ovaries to produce more Progesterone. The best ways to accomplish this is via:

-   Thyroid hormone supplementation - using dessicated porcine thyroid gland containing a natural mix of thyroid hormones, not ineffective synthetic forms - see Thyroid Replacement Hormones)

-    Iodine supplementation (this author's preferred choice) - Dr. Jorge D. Flechas, a renowned author and expert in iodine supplementation, writes that iodine deficiency in the ovaries may cause the ovaries to develop cysts, nodules and scar tissue and has patients who have successfully eliminated ovarian cysts by taking a daily 50mg dose of a specific combination of iodine and iodide (E.g. Lugol's solution or Iodoral®) for 2-3 months. Orthoiodosupplementation in a Primary Care Practice

Iodine -The universal medicine

Reduce estrogen levels

-   Supplement DIM and/or use other methods to reduce body's estrogen levels.    DIM aids in the breakdown of non-beneficial estrogen metabolites. Estrogen is a major culprit in many fertility issues faced by women today including PCOS.

DIM - Estrogen Blocker with anti-cancer benefits

Reduce Body's Estrogen levels


Directly supplement a physiological dose of Progesterone.    Dr. John Lee (author of "What your doctor may not tell you about Premenopause", and a pioneer of Progesterone supplementation for hormonal imbalance) said that natural Progesterone administered on specific days of the menstrual month for two to three cycles, will almost routinely cause disappearance of ovarian cysts,  by suppressing normal FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), and estrogen production and giving the ovary time to heal. For details on Progesterone therapy, which for a women is best delivered via the vaginal route using suppositories, see:

Estrogen dominance treatment

Other helpful hormone balancing supplements

-   Drink peppermint tea twice daily.   To reduce your Testosterone levels (1 tsp. steeped in hot water for 5-10 minutes). This has been found to be more effective than medication.

-   Supplement folic acid.   Taking extra folic acid as much as a year before pregnancy has been shown to reduce miscarriage.

-   N-acetyl cysteine (NAC).    Reported to ease PCOS symtoms.

(2) Normalize blood sugar (glucose) levels

-   LOWER intake of sugar / refined carbs / fructose (including too much fruit or fruit juice)

Top 8 reasons to adopt a low-carb diet for polycystic ovary syndrome

-   Metformin (Glucophage).    Reported to reduce the rate of miscarriage in women with PCOS by controlling blood sugar levels.

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