UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) - Causes, Prevent and Cure
UTI Causes / Risk
Bacteria taking up residence in the UT tract wall
Pathogenic / Virilent Strains
of Certain Bacteria CAUSE UTIs
Over-acidity of urine increases risk of UTI
Mildly acidic urine curbs
bacterial growth better than stronger acidic urine. Researchers at
the Washington school of medicine found that urine with an acidic pH close to
neutral was better able to restrict bacterial growth than more acidic
samples. The less acidic samples also had a higher activity of an immune system
protein (siderocalin) that the body makes to fight infection.
(Shields-Cutler, 2015)
Urine becomes more acidic with:
• Dehydration
• Dietary "triggers"
causing acidity in the system. Body tries to "dump"
acid via urination;
Being a woman increases risk of UTI
Females are at greater risk for UTIs due to their anatomy.
Men are not as prone as
women to havingUTIs
- In 95%
of cases, the bacteria enters the urinary tract by the ascending route through the
urethra. Possibly coming from fecal material, use
of spermacides, or the use of diaphragms.
- The longer
male urethra offers an explanation for why more women than men contract UTIs.
Also, in men, the prostate gland produces secretions that slow
bacterial growth.
Frequent Douching.
Normally, cells in the bladder are coated with a mucus called
glycosaminoglycans(GAGs) -which prevent bacteria from sticking to the cells
in the bladder wall so the bacteria cannot "Set up house".
If that layer of mucus is removed by frequent douching), the bacteria can move in
and grow rapidly.
Wiping forward /Incomplete wiping after a bowel movement contaminates
Use of: diaphragms /spermicides / tampons, sanitary
pads, fragranced feminine hygiene sprays, chemical douches, diaphragm, soap,
bubble baths, toilet paper. Allows chemicals to enter vagina
/ urinary tract .
Pregnancy, menopause
Heavy painful menstrual periods
injury to urinary tract. Possibly intercourse
or childbirth increases irritation to give bacteria a new place to grow
Frequent or "first-time" intercourse.
Note that UTIs are not usually a sexually transmitted
disease, but the physical act of intercourse can cause local irritation in the ureter
due to prolonged, frequent, recent or first-time sexual activity, increasing susceptibility
risk to UTI bacteria.E.g. "Honeymoon cystitis"is not uncommon in women
having sex for the first time.
Menopause. Decrease in
estrogen thins the
lining of the urinary tract, which increases susceptibility to bacterial infections.
Other factors increase risk of UTI
• Poor hygiene
• Overuse of
• Impaired
immune function
• Not emptying bladder. The
bladder immediately tries to empty itself when bacteria enter. If you are unable
to completely empty your bladder, you have a greater risk of getting an infection -
also, the infection is more difficult to treat
• Catheter or tubes placed in bladder
• Allergies / Decreased immune function
• Lowered libido
• Pelvic congestion from chronic constipation
• Those with untreated diabetes, spinal
cord injury, M.S., prostate infection
Shields-Cutler RR, Crowley JR, Hung CS, Stapleton AE,
Aldrich CC, Marschall J, Henderson JP (2015, Jun 26) Human urinary composition
controls siderocalin'santibacterial activity. The Journal of Biological