Mg improves lung function. California/Washington universities study
followed 2 groups of 26 participants with asthma for 6 1/2 months. One group
took a placebo, the other magnesium. The
magnesium group showed
significant improvement in lung activity and ability to move air in and out of
their lungs.
Magnesium Supplements May Benefit People With Asthma,
Conversely, those with low Mg diets had more asthmatic symptoms and
reported more wheezing.
Found a British study reported in the Lancet in 1994. Britton
et al, 1994
Magnesium reduces inflammation of the airways and lungs
by stabilizing mast cells (produce inflammation-causing mediators, incl. histamine)
andT-lymphocytes (immune system T-cells, B-cells
and natural killer cells). A rat study found that severely magnesium-deficient
rats had higher blood levels of histamine when exposed to allergens than
magnesium-sufficent rats. Another study found that magnesium-deficient rats had
raised levels of histamine and white blood cell counts. Nishio
et al, 1987; Claverie-Benureau et al, 1981
helps relax airway smooth muscle and dilates bronchioles in the lungs
Magnesium dissolves calcium oxalate kidney stones
A deficiency of magnesium, allows calcium
oxalate stones to be produced. Calcium precipitates and fixes
to oxalic acid in such as potatoes, spinach and tomatoes.
Note: magnesium is not involved in urate stones (caused
by excess meat producing uric acid) or phosphate stones (from vegetables with phosphate
and phosphorus).
(1) Cancer Treatment Core - "Cancer NOT Allowed!"
With cancer, restoring your body's magnesium
levels is a "NO BRAINER!"
Cancer patients have notably low levels of magnesium in their bodies
Studies suggest that cancer may not be able to exist in a body saturated with
Radiation and chemotherapy
both deplete the body's magnesium levels
is a team player. You will also need to ensure that the other
nutrients on magnesium's "team" are not only present, but also in balanced proportion,
since they all work together. The other main team members are
Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamins
A, D and
K. The "team" also includes
manganese, zinc
and copper.
Research suggests
that almost anyone with cancer should begin a
Calcium : Magnesium
intake ratio of 1:1 - High calcium
levels are commonly attributed to either mainstream cancer treatments or the cancer
itself, but the underlying issue is most likely magnesium
deficiency. Severe hypercalcemia can be avoided if magnesium levels are brought up to normal.
magnesium chloride
is the first and most important item in any cancer treatment strategy.
It takes 3-4 months of transdermal magnesium therapy
to restore cellular magnesium levels where they need
to be, but the benefits will be experienced throughout the body's systems within
only a few days - much like quenching your thirst after being dehydrated.
Research showing general correlations between magnesium and
High magnesium
levels associated with 50% decrease in cancer mortility. Found researchers at the Lille Pasteur Institute in a study
of > 4,000 men over an 18-year follow up period. (Also a 40% decrease in cardiovascular
and all-cause mortality). Epidemiology
In solid tumors a high level of supplemented
magnesium inhibits carcinogenesisDurlach 1986
Researchers found that 46% of the patients admitted to the
ICU of a cancer center presented with Mg deficiencyDeheinzelin 2000
Magnesium seems to
be protective against cancer - both cancer cells and
magnesium deficiency show a dramatically impaired
ionic flux between the outer and inner cell membranes i.e. higher
Ca and Na; lower
magnesium and K
levels. Lead (Pb) salts caused more leukemia cells when given to
magnesium deficient rats,
than when they are given to magnesium-adequate rats,
suggesting that magnesium protects against cancer;
researchers concluded that inadequacy of magnesium
and antioxidants are important risk factors
in predisposing to leukemias.Aleksandrowicz,
Much less magnesium
binding to cancer cells than normal cells. Using cells from induced
cancers, researchers found that there is much less magnesium (Mg++) binding to membrane
phospholipids of cancer cells, than to normal cell membranes. Mg-deficient cell
membranes have a smoother surface than normal. They also have decreased membrane
viscosity, similar to changes in human leukemia cells. Anghileri 1979
Several studies have shown an increased cancer
rate in regions with low magnesium levels
in soil and drinking water (also with low selenium
levels). E.g. in N and S of France and Italy cancer rates correlate with magnesium
deficiency in soil
Areas with a high average
magnesium intake have significantly less cancer. In Egypt,
the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America (and practically
non-existent in rural peasants). Average magnesium
intake of the Egyptian cancer-free populations is 2.5-3g, > 10 x most western
countries. Egypt 1931
Specific cancers correlated with magnesium deficiency
Periosteal cancer. Restoring magnesium levels caused
periosteal (fibrous connective tissue wrapped around bone)
tumors to rapidly disappear"
Hunt 1972
Colon cancer
diets reduced the occurrence of colon cancer - concluded School
of Public Health researchers at the University of Minnesota; A study from Sweden
reported that women with the highest magnesium
intake had a 40% lower risk of developing colon cancer than those with the lowest
Mg intake. Reference?
A Vanderbuilt university study found that
low ratios of magnesiumand calcium are associated
with reduced risk of colorectal cancer.
"The risk of colorectal cancer adenoma
recurrence was reduced by 32 per cent among those with baseline calcium to magnesium
ratio below the median in comparison to no reduction for those above the median,"said
Qi Dai, MD, PhD, a member of the research team.
Calcium supplementation only reduced the risk of cancer recurrence if the
ratio of calcium to magnesium was low, and
remained low during the intervention period. Both high Mg and calcium levels have
been linked to reduced risks of colon cancer, but high
calcium levels inhibit the absorption of
magnesium. AACR,
Leukemia. Pre-treatment hypomagnesemia has been reported
in young leukemic children. 78% of whom have histories of anorexia,
and have excessive gut and urinary losses of Mg. Paunier,
Gastric cancer. Magnesiumprovides
protective effect against gastric cancer - the School of Public Health
at the Kaohsiung Medical College in Taiwan found that
Mg exerts a protective effect against gastric
cancer, but only for the group with the highest levels.Yang 1998
Prostate Cancer. Magnesium
protects against high calcium intake linked to higher risk of prostate cance.
A 1998 Harvard School of Public Health study of 47,781 men found those consuming
1,500 - 2000 mg of calcium per day had about double the risk of being diagnosed
with metastatic prostate cancer as those
getting 500 mg per day or less.Those consuming > 2,000 mg had over four times
the risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer as those taking in less than 500
Breast cancer. Magnesium
deficiency - The missing link between alcohol consumption and increased risk of
breast cancer? Magnesium-deficiency is a
known consequence of alcohol consumption. Wine, beer and liquor add equally to the
risk of women developing breast cancer. Women who had one or two drinks a day increased
their risk of developing breast cancer by 10%. More than three drinks a day raised
their risk by 30 percent.Klatsky 2007. According to data published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2002, 4% of all
breast cancers (~4,000 cases a year) in the U.K. are due to alcohol consumption.
Maybe it is not the alcohol itself causing these cancers, but rather
the effects of magnesium depletion caused by
the alcohol? Yes, we know that a drink or two protects against heart attacks, but
it seems that magnesium supplementation may
be necessary to avoid an increased cancer risk.
Magnesium has multiple anti-cancer roles
Magnesium has multiple essential roles, which need to be "played"
to avoid setting the stage for the creation, growth and metastasis of cancer cells:
Most of the enzymes involved in mitochondrial
ATP energy production require magnesium.
ATP provides the power to actively transport
ions across the plasma membrane, necessary to remove waste/heavy metals
from the cell and to maintain the cell "battery"level (by
transporting Na+ and K+ ions against their concentration gradient).
Low ATP production is a hallmark of cancer.
To maintain cell membrane integrity and prevent cell infection (evidence
is mounting that microbial infection of cells is involved in cancer);
it is thought that Mg deficiency increases plasma membrane (cell membrane
interfacing with extracellular fluid) permeability and fluidity affecting
ion transport across cell membrane.
Glutathione detoxifies toxins, including heavy metals, which increase
oxidant damage to cells, recognized
as a factor in cancer. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, helps
red blood cells carry oxygen and is needed for the creation and maintenance
of T-cell lymphocytes -the immune system's frontline defense against
Up to 30% of cellular energy production is used to pump calcium
out of the cells. A healthy cell has high Mg/ Low calcium levels, but
a lower ATP energy output means less
calcium is pumped out of cell. Calcium accumulation on the inner cell
membrane (called calcification) of various tissue cells manifests in
many of the health problems seen today, including cancer. Calcification
of the membrane interferes with ion transport into and out of the cell
and with waste removal from the cell.
Heavy metal presence increases oxidant damage in body. Damage to
cell membranes and genetic components are involved in cancer.
Needed to convert vitamin
D to its active form
Many studies now confirm the ability of vitamin D to significantly
protect against cancer
Magnesium has major roles in heart health / cardiovascular problems
Magnesium is the best heart medicine to prevent
hypertension, stroke, angina, arrhythmia, heart attack, blood clots, etc
Appropriate magnesium supplementation can eliminate
CVD related problems
All the usual risk factors for heart
disease can be the result of low
magnesium status.
These risk factors include: hypertension, high total cholesterol, low
HDL cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol, high homocysteine, and high
C-reactive protein. Recent studies show that high anxiety and depression
(symptoms of human magnesiumdeficiency) can predict heart disease even more than the traditional risk
Transdermal magnesium
chloride, used regularly, can sustain / supply beneficial
levels to your heart and circulatory system. Transdermal delivery of magnesium chloride boosts magnesium levels to provide
cardiovascular benefits
Magnesium operates via several mechanisms:
Magnesiumis a cofactor in cellular
transmembrane transport
pumps (Na/K-ATPase).
The transmembrane pumps are used to produceATPenergy to power
cellular operations. Relating to
heart disease, a magnesium deficiency can mean there is insufficent power
to pump calcium out of the cell. This can lead to cell calcification (hardening)
as calcium builds up inside cell, and also affects the ability to relax muscles,
negatively impacting vasodilation and blood pressure.
Magnesium providesATP energy for
heart muscle cells. These cells have an avid and constant need
for energy.
Magnesiumis required for muscle relaxation
Magnesiumlevels affect cardiac excitability, contraction,
and conduction. Intra- and extra-cellular magnesium levels play an important role via
their regulatory effects on intracellular calcium movement in heart muscle cells;
Magnesium deficiency
can result in symptoms of tachycardia, fibrillation, arterial constrictions and angina.
Magnesium dilates the heart arteries.
Both the epicardial
and resistance coronary arteries. Magnesium produces vasodilation by both direct and indirect
action - indirectly by sympathetic blockade and inhibition of catecholamine release.
Chronic high blood pressure can be caused both directly and
indirectly by a magnesium deficiency:
Low cellular magnesium
impedes a healthy sodium to potassium ratio.
for normal blood pressure.
Lowmagnesiumto Highcalciumratio in blood vessel muscle cells cause them
to contract, resulting in high blood pressure.Magnesium levels determine vasoconstriction
or vasodilation via its powerful role in calcium cycling in smooth muscle of blood vessels:
High magnesium
levels inside muscle cells have a relaxing or vasodilating effect
concentrations inside muscle cells is vasoconstricting. A potential cause of hypertension;
Magnesiumprotects the heart from the
negative effects of excess calcium. By blocking
calcium entry into cardiac (heart) cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, reducing
vascular resistance and naturally lowering blood pressure.
Magnesiumacts as an anti-arrhythmic agent
Magnesiumdeficiency has been implicated in humans in: atrial fibrillation, supraventricular
tachycardia, torsade de pointes, ventricular ectopy, ventricular tachycardias, and
toxic digitalis arrhythmias.
Magnesium limits intracellular
calciumoverload triggered during
myocardial ischemia. Such may be a cause of ventricular arrhythmia; Deranged
intra- and extracellular concentrations of Mg , Ca and K can manifest as cardiac
Magnesium has an antioxidant role
has an antioxidant role protecting against production of inflammatory cytokines
These inflammatory agents are involved with many
degenerative diseases. Whang, 1987
Cardiac muscle necrosis
and lesions were demonstrated in animals fed
diets. Necrosis/lesions were consequential to
ROS originating from activation of immune system
cells. Weglicki, 1996;
Weglecki, 1992; Weglicki,1994.
Increased susceptibility
to ischemic / reperfusion injury of heart shown in animals fed magnesium-deficientdiets.
Reperfusion injury is tissue
damage caused by returning blood supply after a period of ischemia (restricted blood
supply), which results in inflammation and oxidative damage rather than restoration
of normal function. Weglicki, 1994
Magnesium keeps blood flowing smoothly
By reducing platelet aggrevation/stickiness,
magnesiumhelps prevent the formation of blood clots.
Bo, 2008.
Magnesium lowers LDL cholesterol levels/prevents atherosclerosis.
Mg +ATP complex regulates cholesterol synthesis (by deactivating the rate-limiting
enzyme HMG-CoA reductase required for its production).
Magnesium also lowers inflammation,
decreases oxidative stress, reduces homocysteine levels and diminishes endothelial
dysfunction—all factors underlying CVD.
Magnesium can raise HDL cholesterol, whilst lowering
LDL cholesterol, since it is a cofactor of the enzyme LCAT which transfers part
of one molecule to another resulting in the conversion of LDL to HDL.
Magnesium Factor" by Mildred S. Seelig, Andrea Rosanoff (Note that adequate
magnesium levels do not prevent the synthesis of cholesterol needed for healthy
production of steroid hormones and vitamin D, since deactivated HMG-CoA reductase
can be reactivated by other enzymes, some of which require
magnesium for proper
Hormonal mechanisms
Magnesium is essential for endocrine stability /function
Magnesium is protective against
metabolic syndrome and diabetes. These major factors threaten heart and vascular health.
deficiency is closely associated with CVD
"Magnesium deficiency appears to have caused eight
million sudden coronary deaths in America during the period 1940-1994."
As magnesium intake fell during the 100 years since 1900,
death from heart disease skyrocketed. Adequate magnesium levels
are essential for proper heart function and a magnesium deficiency can cause the
heart muscle to spasm or cramp and stop beating (i.e cardiac arrest).
Harrison, 1994
Fatal heart attacks are more common in areas where the
water supply is deficient in magnesium.
The average intake
via diet is often significantly less than the 200-400 milligrams required daily.
Eisenberg, 1992
Studies show low incidence of high blood pressure and
heart disease wheremagnesium levels in drinking water and food
are high. Greenland natives, the Bantu of southern Africa, the
Bedouin of the middle east and Aborigines of Australia were studied, but when these
people moved to urban areas and began eatinga modern diet, they developed high blood
pressure and heartdisease at similar rates to those in industrialized western countries.
Altura, 1995
Lower magnesium concentrations have been found
in heart attack patients. Shechter, 1992
U.S. study of >10,000 people found that 79% were consuming
less than the US RDA of Mg. Conversely, the 26% of the
study participants who were taking magnesium supplements demonstrated lower levels
of C-Reactive protein (an accurate predictor of heart disease is a measure of inflammatory
activity in the body). US Study, reported in the July
2006 issue of the journal Nutrition Research.
A high calcium to
ratio "Spells" CVD
be balanced with magnesium (and also
Vitamins A,D
and K. All part of the
calcium "team"), otherwise calcium causes calcification
and arterial restriction.
High calcium
levels (unbalanced by magnesium)constrict the heart arteries and increase the risk of heart
Calcium deposits in the walls of the arteries contribute to the
development of arteriosclerosis. Arteries become hard and
rigid, which restricts blood flow causing high blood pressure. Additionally, inelastic
blood vessels can easily rupture, causing strokes.
calcification lesions can lead to the development of CVD. Including
myocardial ischaemia, myocardial infarction, impaired myocardial function, congestive
heart failure, cardiac valve insufficiency, and cardiac arrhythmias. There is a
strong association between increased cardiac calcification and risk of death.
Countries consuming the highest
calcium to magnesium
ratios (high calcium and low
magnesium levels) have
the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease
the list is Australia, then the U.S. and Scandinavian countries.
In contrast, Japan with its low cardiac death rate cites a daily Mg intake
as high as 560 mg, mainly from Mg in sea vegetables and single-cell algae, such
as chlorella and spirulina, and also a variety of ocean-related food sources, including
Nigari (magnesium chloride crystals that remain after sodium chloride is removed
and water is evaporated from seawater) added to drinking water, miso soups, steamed
vegetables, etc. and used as coagulants in the production of tofu. Additionally,
the Japanese have one of the lowest intakes of calcium from dairy products.
Those who die from heart attacks have very low
magnesium and high calcium levels in their
heart muscles - CHD patients treated with high dose
magnesium survived
better than those treated with other drugs. Intravenous Mg could save your life
when administered during or shortly after a heart attack. (see below)
Study by Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago
determined that insufficient dietary
magnesium increases your chances of developing coronary
artery disease. In a study of 2,977 men and women, researchers
used CT scans of the chest to assess coronary artery calcium levels. Beginning measurements
were taken when the study participants were 18- to 30-years old—and again 15 years
later. Results concluded that dietary
magnesium intake was inversely related
to coronary artery calcium levels. Coronary artery calcium is considered an indicator
of atherosclerosis, in which plaque build-up blocks arteries.
The ratio of calcium to magnesium is vital for cell membranes
and the blood-brain barrier.
Benefits of magnesium in specific CVD problems
Magnesium is the best
heart medicine to prevent hypertension, stroke, angina, arrhythmia,
heart attack, blood clots, etc
Magnesium Chlorideboosts magnesium levels
to provide immediate cardiovascular
benefits (Used
regularly, can sustain /supply beneficial Mg levels to your heart and
circulatory system)
Numerous double-blind
studies have shown magnesium to be beneficial for many types of arrhythmias.
Including atrial fibrillation, ventricular
premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular
arrhythmias. Arrhythmias usually clear up on 500 milligrams of magnesium once or
twice daily or faster if given intravenously.
Magnesium protects against death from heart attack
Magnesium protects against death at the time of heart attack.
Magnesiumprovides a significant protective factor against
death from acute myocardial infarction. A
magnesium deficiency
can cause the heart muscle to spasm or cramp and stop beating.
Am J Epidemiol 1996
Intravenous magnesium saves lives
after heart attack
A 1995 study found that the in-hospital death rate of
those receiving IV magnesium was a quarter of those who received only standard treatment.
An 8 year follow-up study of these same patients revealed an enduring
effect of magnesium treatment. Nearly twice as many patients in the standard treatment
group had died compared to those who received magnesium, and there were considerably
more cases of heart failure and impaired heart function in the placebo group. In
addition to increasing survival after heart attack, IV magnesium smoothes out arrhythmias
and improves outcomes in patients undergoing angioplasty with stent placement.
Manz,1990; Iseri,1989.
An analysis of seven major clinical studies shows that
intravenous magnesium reduced the risk of death by 55% after acute heart attack.
Results were published in the prestigious "British Medical Journal" and the widely
read journal "Drugs"..Teo,1991; Teo KK,
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HBP). Magnesium prevents high blood pressure (HBP)
Study support for magnesium benefits in HBP
Daily oral supplement of 625 mg magnesium
significantly reduced blood pressure.
Study involved 21 people. Montoyama et al, 1989
Daily oral supplement
of 411
- 548 mg magnesium reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Itoh, 1997
70-80% of borderline
hypertensive patients have significantly depressed blood-ionized magnesium
levels. Found Drs.
Burton and Bella Altura, two of the leading researchers in the field of
magnesium. Altura, 1995
ANGINA. Magnesium prevents
angina pain due to either coronary artery muscle spasms or atherosclerosis
Chest pain associated with mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
is different to pain from classic angina. Even so, patients may be magnesium-deficient
61% of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) patients shown
to have low magnesium levels compared to 5%
of control group. Study involved patients with strongly symptomatic
MVP, who after 5 weeks of Mg supplementation had a 50% on reduction of symptoms
of chest pain, palpitation, anxiety, low energy, faintness, and difficulty breathing.
(MVP is a disorder where the mitral valve of the heart fails to completely
close off one of the chambers in the heart during contraction).
CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (CHF). Magnesium is a life-saver for those with
congestive heart failure (CHF)
With CHF, a weakened heart muscle is not pumping
enough blood to meet the body's needs.
Study support for magnesium supplementation / levels with CHF
Controlled/double blind
study findings suggest a powerful role for Mg supplementation as an adjuvant
therapy to improve survival and lessen symptoms for CHF patients.
79 patients received either Mg supplements or
placebo, along with optimal cardiovascular medication, for one year. For the
first month, the Mg group received 390 mg elemental Mg, and 195 mg during the
following 11 months. At on year, only 52% of the placebo group was still alive,
compared with 76% of the Mg group. Stepura, 2008
CHF patients admitted
to hospital had higher baseline CRP levels/lower serum Mg levels than non-CHF
patients. Administering Mg to CHF patients increased their
intracellular Mg levels and decreased CRP levels, suggesting an improvement in
prognosis for these CHF patients. (C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a reliable
indicator of CVD presence) Almoznino-Sarafian,2007
IV cocktail including
magnesium chloride has shown effective results with CHF. According to John R. Gaby, former President of
the American Holistic Medical Association, in "Alternative Medicine: The
Definitive Guide"
STROKE. Magnesium prevents and heals
brain damage caused by a stroke
in his book "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", Dr. Mark
Sircus states that magnesium may reduce ischemic injury by increasing regional blood
flow - antagonizing voltage-sensitive calcium channels, and blocking the N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NDMA) receptor. As a non-competitive NMDA receptor blocker, magnesium inhibits
the release of excitatory neurotransmitters at the presynaptic level and blocks
voltage-gated calcium channels. Magnesium simultaneously exerts vascular effects,
including increased vasodilation and cardiac output, and prevents cerebral vasospasm.
Dr. Sircus points out that transdermally applied magnesium chloride offers advantages
over other neuroprotective agents (such as intravenously administered magnesium
sulfate) for preventing strokes. These advantages include lower cost, ease of use,
and lack of side effects, asserting that a gallon and a half of low cost magnesium
chloride "would do more to prevent strokes safely without side effects, than
any other single medicine", but also that when "used transdermally after
a stroke will reduce disability". Magnesium chloride administeredimmediately
following a stroke (or heartattack) dramatically improves your chances of a full
Study support for magnesium
benefits in stroke
98 stroke patients admitted to the emergency room of
three hospitals in New York exhibited early and significant magnesium-ion deficits.
The stroke patients also demonstrated a high calcium to magnesium ratio,
which are signs of increased vascular tone and cerebral vessel spasm.
Altura, 1997
Higher magnesium
levels in drinking water used by Taiwan residents,
lowered the incidence of stroke. All deaths due to stroke among
Taiwan residents (17,133 cases) from 1989 through 1993 were compared with deaths
from other causes (17,133 controls). Yang CY, 1998
Dental problems
regulates the amount of calcium inside
cells, which provides the hard
mineral component for strong teeth.
inhibits osteoclasts that would otherwise
cause the progressive loss of dentine and cementum. It does
this by stimulating the production of CALCITONIN, the hormone responsible for
inhibiting osteoclast. Whereas this loss is a
necesssary process, called tooth resorption, that occurs under pressure from
permanent teeth upon "baby" teeth, it is, however, a pathological problem if it happens to
permanent teeth. Stimulants of root resorption include pulp necrosis, trauma,
periodontal treatment, orthodontics and teeth whitening, situations in which
magnesium supplementation would be a benefit by inhibiting osteoclasts.
Decreasesinflammation in periodontal disease, thus preventing periodontitis
(destroys bone supporting your teeth). Magnesium is a component and activator of alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
enzyme, whose increased activity indicates the level of inflammation in
periodontal disease. Increased inflammation in periodontal disease can change
gingivitis to periodontitis when there is damage to bone supporting teeth
Magnesium against estrogen dominance
levels linked to deficiency inmagnesiumand
B vitamins
Magnesiumactivates vitamin B6
needed for clearingestrogen
from the liver. Magnesium
is needed for a phosphate transfer reaction that activates vitamin B6
(Pyridoxine). Thus a
Magnesium deficiency may affect hepatic
clearance by decreasing the biological activity of the
B vitamins.
Magnesiumdirectly influences estrogen
conjugation (in this bound form,
estrogen can be eliminated from the body).
increases activity of an enzyme (glucuronyl transferase) involved in
the hepatic glucuronidation of
estrogens(Estrogen is commonly bound to glucuronic acid forming a compound that can be
excreted into bile and removed from the liver, and then excreted into the
intestines for elimination from the body).
Magnesium fights infection
(i.e. white blood cell
basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils)
Magnesium boosts immune system / heals wounds. Pioneers researching
infection-fighters used magnesium chloride as an antibiotic
French surgeon, Pierre Delbet MD.(1861-1957), professor of
clinical surgery, and French Academy of Sciences
member. In 1915, Prof. Delbet was
looking for a solution to cleanse wounds of soldiers injured in WWI, after
finding that the then available antiseptics actually damaged tissues and
encouraged infections instead of preventing them. In all his tests magnesium
chloride solution was by far the best. Not only was it harmless for tissues, but
it also greatly increased leucocyte activity and phagocytosis in
the destruction of microbes.
World War I, his experiments using MgCl2 chloride both internally and
externally found it to be a powerful immune stimulant, increasing
phagocytosis (the engulfing of
pathogens by white blood cells) by up to 300%
i.e. the same number of white blood cells destroyed up to 3x more microbes than
without MgCl2.
One of his several books presenting the results of his studies
on magnesium chloride is Politique Pr é acute;ventive du Cancer(1944).
He is remembered today for his groundbreaking studies of magnesium chloride as
an immune stimulant,as well as for
his advocacy of using it to improve health in general. Dr. Delbet referred to
magnesium as a "miracle mineral."
French Dr. A. Neveu. In the 1940's,
Dr. Neveu cured several diphtheria patients with
MgCL2 within two days. Neveu
published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that were cured within days if treatment was
started immediately, or within months if paralysis had already progressed.
Italian Dr. Raul Vergini and others.
Confirmed earlier research and
added more uses for MGCl2. Vergini reported excellent results using small quantities of orally
administered magnesium chloride solution (2.5% magnesium chloride).
Diseases having positive outcomes using magnesium
as an antimicrobial agent. Magnesium chloride gave much better
results than other magnesium compounds in all the following
health problems:
Lung / Respiratory Related
Skin related
Common cold
Septic wounds
Poisoning/ Tetanus
Herpes Zoster
Acute / chronic conjunctivitis
Optic neuritis
Gastro-enteritis/ Stomach flu
Magnesium reduces pain
Pain may be related to inflammation, toxicity,
cell wall rigidity, lack of ATP cellular energy, mineral deficiencies / imbalances,
or lack of enzymes (Magnesium
is needed for enzyme function throughout body). Some experts estimate
~70% of cases involving muscle pain, cramps, and/or fatigue (with labels such as
fibromyalgia, migraine, CFS and constipation), are actually symptoms of
magnesium deficiency.
Dr. Mildred Seelig, a pioneering magnesium researcher
at the University of North Carolina, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy
Magnesium blocks pain reception
Transdermally/Intravenously absorbed
magnesium increases the
magnesium concentration gradient between cell
membranes and extracellular fluid, thereby blocking the NMDA receptor, and bringing
immediate pain relief. The
magnesium ion has the ability to block the
N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor site (preventing ion flow, which
relays pain signal at typical
neuronal resting potentials). Mayer ML, 1987.
The NMDA receptor site has a critical role in mechanisms relating to
central sensitization in the spinal cord (involved in the establishment
of chronic neuropathic pain). NMDA receptor activation and release of pro-pain substances including substance
P, nerve growth factor, brain derived nerve factor, and
nitric oxide (NO) are believed to drive
the process of central sensitization in the spinal cord;
Conversely, reduced
magnesium levels can increase acute pain and
induce chronic neuropathic pain. Low
magnesium levels
not only inhibit the body's capacity to block the NMDA receptor site, contributing
to higher levels of acute or immediate pain, but in addition, low
magnesium levels
make central sensitization of the spinal cord more likely to occur, which can lead
to chronic neuropathic pain.
Magnesium acts on pain source / powerful anti-inflammatory
regenerates tissue by increasing circulation, brings down inflammation, relieves
muscle spasms / twitches
absorbed magnesium increases the
magnesium concentration gradient between cell
membranes and extracellular fluid to positively affect
calcium to magnesium
ratios in cells. Muscle, joint, and connective tissue pain
can be exacerbated by higher intakes of calcium,
which flushes magnesium out of cells, reducing
Mg's availability for reducing pain. (Paradoxically,
magnesium is needed for proper uptake and assimilation
of calcium).
Magnesium reduces cell wall rigidity. Consuming
calcium in disproportionate
amounts compared to magnesium makes cell walls rigid. Without sufficient
calcium is not assimilated and is dumped into
tissues. Also, with a
magnesium deficiency, cells do
not have enough ATP energy energy to pump
calcium out of cells
Relieve pain with transdermal magnesium therapy
Only transdermal
or intravenous magnesium therapy works
fast enough to relieve pain
Transdermal Magnesium Chloride can be safely, easily
and cost-effectively administered at home for pain relief and healing.
Dr. Marc Sircus, author of "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy",
notes that ONLY transdermal or intravenous
magnesium administration
(as opposed to oral magnesium
supplementation) can rapidly elevate
magnesium levels in the body in quantities
large enough to relieve pain.
Alternatively, soak in an Epsom salt bath if you do not
have magnesium chloride on hand (although not as effective). A twice weekly soak in about a ¼ cup of Epsom
salts (magnesium sulfate) bath counteracts a magnesium deficiency. This is a long-standing
remedy for joint problems or arthritis. This therapy also supplies
sulfur, which
also provides benefit for achy joints and is often depleted in the body.
Magnesium has several effects that strengthen bones
Regulates the amount of calcium inside cells;
Stimulates the production of CALCITONIN - the hormone responsible for inhibiting osteoclasts
(cells that break bone down)
A component and activator of alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
- an
enzyme that forms new calcium crystals in bones. (Ref)
Magnesium for mental well-being
is very important for mood, general well-being and keeping stress levels under
control -Even a mild deficiency of magnesium can
cause increased sensitivity to noise, nervousness, irritability, mental
depression, confusion, twitching, trembling, apprehension, and insomnia.
Depressed people found to bemagnesium-deficient
. A study of approximately 500 depressed people by Dr. RH Cox and
Dr. CN Shealy found that the majority of the sufferers were magnesium-deficient. The
authors of the study advised clinicians that they should consider the distinct
possibility of therapeutic benefit from the use of magnesium therapy in chronic
depression. Cox et al, 1996
Suicide rates linked tomagnesium
deficiency - the lower the magnesium content in soil
and water in a given region, the higher the rate of suicides.
Magnesium may help prevent / alleviate migraines
Numerous studies strongly suggest that
a person's magnesium status may be associated
with the severity and frequency of migraine headaches
Magnesiumworks on the symptoms of
migraines - by relaxing blood vessels in the brain and inhibits the ability of calcium
to constrict blood vessels.
"We know that 50% of all migraine sufferers are
magnesium-deficient," - says Dr. Altura,
PhD, professor of physiology, pharmacology and medicine at the SUNY Downstate Medical
Centerin Brooklyn, New York. "60% of migraine patients have genetic variances
that don't allow them to effectively metabolize and transport magnesium
well,"says Dr. Altura.
SSome studies supporting use ofmagnesium against migraines
Quick and sustained pain relief using intravenous
magnesium infusions (performed
by medical personnel). More than 80% of a group of 3,000 patients given
daily intravenous infusions of 200 mg ionized magnesium
had significant sustained pain reduction within 15 minutes of administration.
Mauskop, 1995
Intravenous magnesium
infusions eliminated migraine symptoms. In
another study, Dr. Altura noted that magnesium
infusion produced a complete elimination of migraine-induced symptoms such as nausea
and photophobia. Mauskop, 1996;
prevents menstrual migraines. These occur in women of childbearing
age and tend to be more frequent and disabling than non-menstrual migraines.
Boska, 2002.
In fact, lower magnesium levels have
been correlated with more severe neurological symptoms during menstrual migraines.
Silberstein, 2007; Mauskop, 2001
Prevention is preferable to treatment.
Oral magnesium supplementation
has been shown to reduce the frequency and duration of migraines.
Mauskop , 1998; Boska, 2002
Magnesium for Neurological /Neuromuscular conditions
The lower magnesium content in soil and water in a given region, the higher are the rates of suicides
Epileptic Seizures
Marked by abnormally low magnesium levels in the blood, spinal fluid and brain, causing hyperexcitability in regions of the brain. There are many reported causes of epilepsy greatly improving or disappearing with magnesium supplementation. In a trial with 30 epileptics 450 mg of magnesium supplied daily successfully controlled seizures. Another study found that the lower the magnesium blood levels the more severe was the epilepsy. In most cases magnesium works best in combination with vitamin B6 and zinc. In sufficient concentrations, magnesium inhibits convulsions by limiting or slowing the spread of the electric discharge from an isolated group of brain cells to the rest of the brain. Animal studies show that even the initial burst of firing nerve cells that starts an epileptic attack can be suppressed with magnesium
Magnesium shown to reduce pain by blocking NMDA receptors within CNS. NMDA receptors are involved with pain sensitivity and excitory neurotransmitter activities
Psychiatric disorders / Age-related dementia
Chronic or acute inflammation of fluid-filled sac (bursa) that lies between a tendon and bone near joints, where tendons or muscles pass over bony projections to assist movement and reduce friction between moving parts. Bursaalso lies between a tendon and skin. Burstitis can be caused by chronic overuse, trauma, RA, gout, infection, commonly occurring in the shoulder, knee, elbow, and hip. Also can affect the Achilles tendon and the foot.
Magnesium can free muscles that have become tight and knotted.
Characterized by widespread pain in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Common symptoms include:
Morning stiffness
Sleep problems
Numbness in hands and feet
Magnesium stops muscle spasms, which are primarily responsible for pain.
Pain that radiates from the lower back into the buttocks and down the back of one or both legs caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerves. Magnesium stops muscle spasms, which are primarily responsible for pain.
Degenerative Joint Disease / Osteoarthritis
Magnesium for skin and hair
Anti Aging - Anti Wrinkle - Moisturizer
Areas around your eyes and face treated with magnesium
chloride oil show a significant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles for many people.
Magnesium presence enhances hydration of your skin and encourages the production of
collagen. Many people also see a significant reduction in wrinkle depth.
Magnesium chloride oil has been shown to increase the production
of DHEA production
when applied to the skin.
DHEA is a pre- cursor for the male and
female hormones having several benefits for skin. Dr. Norm Shealy, graduate of Duke
University medical school and a well- known author / lecturer, has tested
oil comparing transdermal to oral and intravenous applications. He emphasizes that
DHEA deficiency is present in almost every illness, and that
magnesium chloride oil
sprayed on the skin brings body's DHEA levels
back to normal within 30 to 45 days.
Here are a couple of studies providing
evidence that DHEA
has beneficial effects on skin health and appearance:
a 2000 ex- vivo study, DHEA
increased production of collagen (the sought-after youthful promoting
component of the skin's connective tissue ), whilst decreasing production
of the collagenase enzymes that destroy it. Lee,
In 2008, Canadian scientists studying postmenopausal women using topical
DHEA cream concluded that
"DHEA could exert
an anti- aging effect in the skin" - ". . . through stimulation of collagen
biosynthesis, improved structural organization of the dermis while modulating keratinocyte
metabolism."They found that the womens' skin contained > 50 DHEA-
responsive genes, and not only did DHEA turn on
several collagen- producing genes, it also reduced expression of genes involved
with production and hardening of keratinocytes (skin cells that form calluses /
rough skin). Calvo, 2008
Magnesium chloride oil will help in fighting this
hormonal reaction by your skin. Applied to skin in areas where acne
is present or prone to immerge
Psoriasis and Eczema
The National Psoriasis Foundation
( recommends a treatment using the sun and water therapy
from the Dead Sea. Psoriasis and eczema can often be healed very
quickly by applying Transdermal
Magnesium Therapy.
Long- term
magnesium deficiency may result in inflammation and
calcium deposits in the hair follicles. Calcification of
the scalp constricts the blood supply to the hair follicles, causing reduced nutrient
Male Pattern Baldness. Transdermal
magnesium chloride oil may be beneficial for
male pattern baldness, by dissolving calcium deposits in the scalp and increasing
body's magnesium levels. You can apply
magnesium chloride oil directly onto your scalp
or massage it into thin areas of the skin and scalp in order to maximize absorption
into your bloodstream.
Hair conditioner. Apply a little
magnesium chloride oil to hair after washing
for softening effect;
Magnesium significantly reduces medical complications in surgery
magnesium levels are corrected by the
administration of magnesium before, during and after surgery medical
complications are significantly reduced to the point where it becomes simply
imprudent to perform surgery without it. Dr. Minato at the
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, in Japan, strongly recommends
the correction of hypomagnesemia during and after off-pump coronary artery
bypass grafting (OPCAB) for the prevention of perioperative coronary artery
spasm and his team has actually said that they won't perform this surgery
without its use any longer.
Everyone scheduled for surgery needs to
increase their stores of magnesium. In both the pre- and postoperative
phases, magnesium can:
Help alleviate pain
Decrease blood pressure
Alleviate certain heart arrhythmias
Work to prevent blood clotting
Relieve depression (common after bypass
Improve energy and cognitive abilities.
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