How to Supplement Magnesium
How to boost magnesium intake?
Many systems, muscles, bone, immune system, nerve system and brain, will begin
to change by boosting magnesium intake
Magnesium from food
magnesium- rich foods is obviously the most
natural way to get your magnesium -
most of us do not eat enough of these foods to satisfy our body's demands in
today's world. Also, these traditionally high-Mg foods are likely lacking in
magnesium content due to being grown in
magnesium -depleted soils or as a consequence of
cooking or processing methods;
Food Sources of Magnesium
Nebulizing magnesium
A nebulizer is used to place magnesium in direct contact with the lungs, which
benefits several upper-respiratory problems:
Nebulizing magnesium chloride
Magnesium supplementation
The first question to ask is: Do
you even need to supplement magnesium?
There are 3 methods of supplementation:
(1) Transdermal
(2) Oral (3)
Intravenous or
intramuscular (Clinical)
Transdermal vs. Oral Supplementation
- Not as convenient as oral
- Does not cause
diarrhea from overdosing
- More
bioavailable - since it bypasses the GI tract.
- More suitable for high dosage applications
- by avoiding diarrhea
- Oral supplementation may take up to 6 months to
see positive results / Transdermal application raises magnesium levels in weeks - Transdermal supplementation is the best
choice with a serious Mg deficiency or when more immediate results are required.
Depending on your condition; many systems, muscles, bone, immune system, nerve
system and brain, will begin to change with magnesium supplementation.
Transdermal magnesium supplementation
The most bioavailable form of Supplemental Magnesium
Magnesium in a magnesium salt
(E.g. Magnesium Chloride)
solution enters the body through the skin
-The magnesium solution is referred to as "Magnesium Oil", because it feels
slippery when first applied to skin, but is not actually an oil. A
salt dissociates (separates) in solution (to varying degrees depending on the
salt), making its magnesium ions available for transport into the body
- Transdermal magnesium provides the most
bioavailable form of magnesium - but note that some
salts are more bioavailable than others
• Magnesium
(better known as Epsom salts)
is rapidly excreted through the kidneys - and thus difficult to assimilate, according to Daniel Reid, author of "The Tao of
Detox". Magnesium sulfate is only about half as ionized in water as
chloride, meaning less available magnesium ions for transport into the body.
Methods used to apply transdermal
magnesium oil:
• Rubbing on skin
• A footbath
• A full-body bath
• Magnesium
oil compress pack - for sprains and swellings
• Mouthwash
For information on transdermal magnesium
chloride oil and how to use it:
Transdermal Magnesium Chloride -"MaGic Oil"
Oral supplementation
To obtain the benefits of
magnesium in
medications or supplements, your body must be able to absorb the magnesium ions
in the supplement form - the amount of
magnesium displayed on a supplement
label may or may not make it into your bloodstream, where it is available for
activity in your cells and tissues.
For help choosing an effective oral
magnesium supplement:
Oral Magnesium Supplements
Clinical supplementation
Clinical magnesium supplementation -
magnesium may be given by intramuscular injection or as an intravenous drip.
- Magnesium chloride/sulphate at
typically prescribed CLINICAL levels during pregnancy may be toxic to developing fetus
- according to a study published in Cell Death and Disease: "Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) has been used in clinical obstetrics for over
70 years to treat pre-eclampsia/eclampsia and preterm labor, conditions that
complicate approximately 3% and 12.4% of pregnancies, respectively, in the U.S. each
year. Mg++ administration is typically titrated to maintain maternal serum
levels of approximately 4-8 mg magnesium per 100 ml (1.6-3.3 mM (mmol/L)). These concentrations are
near the lowest concentrations that induced significant neuronal toxicity in our
experiments." Physiological Mg
concentration is 0.8 mM (mmol/L)
How much Magnesium to supplement?
Guidelines on supplemental magnesium
dosage can be found at:
How much magnesium should I supplement?
Magnesium support
Certain foods, nutrients, drugs, and lifestyle choices
either enhance or decrease magnesium absorption and use - E.g.
magnesium needs the presence of both
Vitamin D and
Calcium , stress depletes
magnesium , antacids interfere with
magnesium digestive and several other factors:
Getting the most out of magnesium
Although magnesium normally protects the kidneys,
its supplementation could cause
more harm if there is already chronic kidney damage - Mg should then only be used
under medical supervision. Because people with kidney disease may not be able to
excrete excess amounts of magnesium, they should not take magnesium supplements
unless prescribed by a physician.
If your bowel becomes too soft or you get diarrhea
- temporarily
reduce your dose and build up gradually; take a smaller amount of magnesium at
one time.
Interactions with
medications and psycho-active herbs - as you deal with a
deficiency, you will alter your need for certain medications or herbs -
if you are taking
any of the following, you will need to monitor and reduce / eliminate these
• L-tryptophan
• St. John's Wort
• Anti-depressants
• Sleep medications
• Cholesterol-lowering drugs
• Thyroid medication
• Diabetic drugs
• Anti-hypertensives
• Diuretics
• Other medications