Appropriate magnesium supplementation can eliminate CVD related problems via several mechanisms:
Magnesium has major roles in heart health
Magnesium is the best heart medicine to prevent
hypertension, stroke, angina, arrhythmia, heart attack, blood clots, etc
Appropriate magnesium supplementation can eliminate
CVD related problems
All the usual risk factors for heart
disease can be the result of low
magnesium status
Risk factors include: hypertension, high total cholesterol, low
HDL cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol, high homocysteine, and high
C-reactive protein . Recent studies show that high anxiety and depression
(symptoms of human magnesium
deficiency) can predict heart disease even more than the traditional risk
Used regularly, transdermal
magnesium chloride can sustain /supply beneficial
levels to your heart and circulatory system. Transdermal delivery of magnesium chloride boosts magnesium levels to provide
cardiovascular benefits
Transdermal magnesium
Magnesium operates via several mechanisms:
is a cofactor in cellular
transmembrane transport
pumps (Na/K-ATP ase)
The transmembrane pumps are used to produce ATP energy to power
cellular operations. Relating to
heart disease , a magnesium deficiency can mean there is insufficent power
to pump calcium out of the cell. This can lead to cell calcification (hardening)
as calcium builds up inside cell, and also affects the ability to relax muscles,
negatively impacting vasodilation and blood pressure.
Magnesium provides
ATP energy for
heart muscle cells. These cells have an avid and constant need
for energy .
Magnesium is required for muscle relaxation
Magnesium levels affect cardiac excitability, contraction,
and conduction. Intra- and extra-cellular
magnesium levels play an important role via
their regulatory effects on intracellular calcium movement in heart muscle cells;
Magnesium deficiency
can result in symptoms of tachycardia, fibrillation, arterial constrictions and angina.
Magnesium dilates the heart arteries.
Both the epicardial
and resistance coronary arteries.
Magnesium produces vasodilation by both direct and indirect
action - indirectly by sympathetic blockade and inhibition of catecholamine release.
Chronic high blood pressure can be caused both directly and
indirectly by a magnesium deficiency:
- Low cellular magnesium
impedes a healthy sodium to potassium ratio.
for normal blood pressure.
- Low
magnesium : High
calcium in blood vessel muscle cells cause them
to contract, resulting in high blood pressure.
Magnesium levels determine vasoconstriction
or vasodilation via its powerful role in calcium cycling in smooth muscle of blood vessels:
• Higher
levels inside muscle cells have a relaxing or vasodilating effect
• Low
concentrations inside muscle cells is vasconstricting . A potential cause of hypertension;
Magnesium protects the heart from the
negative effects of excess calcium. By blocking
calcium entry into cardiac (heart) cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, reducing
vascular resistance and naturally lowering blood pressure.
acts as an anti-arrhythmic agent
deficiency has been implicated in humans in: atrial fibrillation, supraventricular
tachycardia, torsade de pointes, ventricular ectopy, ventricular tachycardias, and
toxic digitalis arrhythmias.
limits intracellular calcium overload triggered during myocardial ischemia.
Such may be a cause of ventricular arrhythmia; Deranged
intra- and extracellular concentrations of Mg , Ca and K can manifest as cardiac
Magnesium has an antioxidant role
has an antioxidant role protecting against production of inflammatory cytokines
ROS. These inflammatory agents are involved with many
degenerative diseases. Whang, 1987
- Cardiac muscle necrosis
and lesions were demonstrated in animals fed
magnesium -deficient
diets. Necrosis/lesions were consequential to
ROS originating from activation of immune system
cells. Weglicki, 1996;
Weglecki, 1992; Weglicki,1994.
- Increased susceptibility
to ischemic / reperfusion injury of heart shown in animals fed
magnesium -deficient
diets. Reperfusion injury is tissue
damage caused by returning blood supply after a period of ischemia (restricted blood
supply), which results in inflammation and oxidative damage rather than restoration
of normal function. Weglicki, 1994
keeps blood flowing smoothly
By reducing platelet aggrevation/stickiness,
helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
Bo, 2008.
Magnesium lowers LDL cholesterol levels/prevents atherosclerosis.
Mg +ATP complex regulates cholesterol synthesis (by deactivating the rate-limiting
enzyme HMG-CoA reductase required for its production).
Magnesium also lowers inflammation,
decreases oxidative stress, reduces homocysteine levels and diminishes endothelial
dysfunction—all factors underlying CVD.
Magnesium can raise HDL cholesterol, whilst lowering
LDL cholesterol, since it is a cofactor of the enzyme LCAT which transfers part
of one molecule to another resulting in the conversion of LDL to HDL.
Magnesium Factor" by Mildred S. Seelig, Andrea Rosanoff (Note that adequate
magnesium levels do not prevent the synthesis of cholesterol needed for healthy
production of steroid hormones and vitamin D, since deactivated HMG-CoA reductase
can be reactivated by other enzymes, some of which require
magnesium for proper
Hormonal mechanisms
Magnesium is essential for endocrine stability /function
Magnesium is protective against
metabolic syndrome and diabetes. These major factors threaten heart and vascular health.
deficiency is closely associated with CVD
"Magnesium deficiency appears to have caused eight
million sudden coronary deaths in America during the period 1940-1994."
- Paul Mason
Calculations of American
Deaths Caused by Magnesium Deficiency, As Projected from International Data
As magnesium intake fell during the 100 years since 1900,
death from heart disease skyrocketed. Adequate magnesium levels
are essential for proper heart function and a magnesium deficiency can cause the
heart muscle to spasm or cramp and stop beating (i.e cardiac arrest).
Harrison, 1994
Fatal heart attacks are more common in areas where the
water supply is deficient in
magnesium. The average intake
via diet is often significantly less than the 200-400 milligrams required daily.
Eisenberg, 1992
Studies show low incidence of high blood pressure and
heart disease where
magnesium levels in drinking water and food
are high. Greenland natives, the Bantu of southern Africa, the
Bedouin of the middle east and Aborigines of Australia were studied, but when these
people moved to urban areas and began eatinga modern diet, they developed high blood
pressure and heartdisease at similar rates to those in industrialized western countries.
Altura, 1995
Lower magnesium concentrations have been found
in heart attack patients.
Shechter, 1992
U.S. study of >10,000 people found that 79% were consuming
less than the US RDA of Mg. Conversely, the 26% of the
study participants who were taking magnesium supplements demonstrated lower levels
of C-Reactive protein (an accurate predictor of heart disease is a measure of inflammatory
activity in the body). US Study, reported in the July
2006 issue of the journal Nutrition Research .
A high calcium to
ratio "Spells" CVD
Calcium must
be balanced with magnesium (and also
Vitamins A, D
and K. All part of the
calcium "team"), otherwise calcium causes calcification
and arterial restriction.
High calcium
levels (unbalanced by magnesium)
constrict the heart arteries and increase the risk of heart
- Calcium
deposits in the walls of the arteries contribute to the
development of arteriosclerosis. Arteries become hard and
rigid, which restricts blood flow causing high blood pressure. Additionally, inelastic
blood vessels can easily rupture, causing strokes.
- Cardiovascular
calcification lesions can lead to the development of CVD. Including
myocardial ischaemia, myocardial infarction, impaired myocardial function, congestive
heart failure, cardiac valve insufficiency, and cardiac arrhythmias. There is a
strong association between increased cardiac calcification and risk of death.
Countries consuming the highest
calcium to magnesium
ratios (high calcium and low
magnesium levels) have
the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease
- Topping
the list is Australia, then the U.S. and Scandinavian countries.
In contrast, Japan with its low cardiac death rate cites a daily Mg intake
as high as 560 mg, mainly from Mg in sea vegetables and single-cell algae, such
as chlorella and spirulina, and also a variety of ocean-related food sources, including
Nigari (magnesium chloride crystals that remain after sodium chloride is removed
and water is evaporated from seawater) added to drinking water, miso soups, steamed
vegetables, etc. and used as coagulants in the production of tofu. Additionally,
the Japanese have one of the lowest intakes of calcium from dairy products.
Those who die from heart attacks have very low
magnesium and high calcium levels in their
heart muscles - CHD patients treated with high dose
magnesium survived
better than those treated with other drugs. Intravenous Mg could save your life
when administered during or shortly after a heart attack. (see below)
Study by Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago
determined that insufficient dietary
magnesium increases your chances of developing coronary
artery disease. In a study of 2,977 men and women, researchers
used CT scans of the chest to assess coronary artery calcium levels. Beginning measurements
were taken when the study participants were 18- to 30-years old—and again 15 years
later. Results concluded that dietary
magnesium intake was inversely related
to coronary artery calcium levels. Coronary artery calcium is considered an indicator
of atherosclerosis, in which plaque build-up blocks arteries.
The ratio of calcium to
magnesium is vital for cell membranes
and the blood-brain barrier.
Details of benefits of magnesium in specific CVD problems
Heart Attack
High Blood Pressure
Congestive Heart
Altura, B.M., B.T. ( 1995 May/June) "Magnesium in Cardiovascular
Biology."Scientific American , Science & Medicine:28-37.
Bo S, Pisu E. (2008, Feb) Role of dietary magnesium in cardiovascular
disease prevention, insulin sensitivity and diabetes. Curr Opin Lipidol. 19(1):50-6.
Eisenberg, Mark J. (1992 Aug) Magnesium deficiency and
sudden death. American Heart Journal, Vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 544-49
Harrison, Tinsley R. (1994) Principles of Internal Medicine.
13th edition, McGraw-Hill, pp. 1106-15 and pp. 2434-35.
Shechter, Michael, et al (1992, Nov) The rationale of
magnesium supplementation in acute myocardial infarction: a review of the literature.
Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol. 152, pp. 2189-96
Whang R (1987) Magnesium deficiency -pathogenesis, prevalence,
and clinical applications, Am J Med 82:24.
Weglicki WB et al (1994) Cytokines, neuropeptides, and reperfusion
injury during magnesium deficiency, Ann NY Acad Sci 723:246.
Weglicki WB et al (1996) Role of free radicals and substance
P in magnesium deficiency, Cardiovasc Res 31:677.
Weglecki WB, Philips TM (1992) Pathobiology of magnesium
deficiency - a cytokine neurogenic inflammation hypothesis, Am J. Physiology, 263:R734.
Weglicki WB et al (1994) Cytokines, neuropeptides,
and reperfusion injury during magnesium deficiency, Ann NY Acad Sci 723:246.
US Study, reported in the July
2006 issue of the journal Nutrition Research.