Health Happening
Featuring The O3 Fix - The "Holy Grail" of Health!
Acne Treatments

Treat the underlying causes of acne

Treatment goals:

(1) Reduce sebum production / Testosterone activity

(2) Stimulate cell turnover / Help skin shed dead cells - to prevent build up

(3) Prevent bacterial accumulation / Reduce inflammation.

Resist temptation to pick or squeeze your blackheads /pimples

Squeezing, scratching, rubbing or even touching your pimples and blackheads results in more pimples   Since these actions actually increase sebum production. Also, when you squeeze, you can rupture the membranes below your skin, causing infection and sebum to spread underneath your skin. The result is more pimples.

Control your blood sugar

Your diet is a likely underlying reason causing the Propioniform bacteria to result in acne cysts or lesions.

Too much glucose from sugars and ALL grains (including whole-grains) raises INSULIN levels, reduces INSULIN sensitivity and increases levels of the hormone IGF-1 associated with acne:

  • Vegetable-carbs (high fiber/low starch)vs. Grain-carbs (low fiber/high starch) - vegetable-carbs are slow to break down into the SIMPLE sugars, glucose and fructose,and have minimal impact on INSULIN levels; in contrast, when grain-carbs are digested, they more quickly break down into glucose and fructose, raise INSULIN levels and also INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR (IGF-1), which increases male hormone levels, which stimulate sebum production by sebaceous glands.
  • Studies support that low-glycemic diets improve acne

In a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clnical Nutrition - young men (ages 15 to 25) with acne were placed on low-glycemic diets for 12 weeks, showing significant improvements in acne and INSULIN sensitivity. Robyn N Smith, Neil J Mann, Anna Braue, Henna Mäkeläinen and George A. Varigos, A low-glycemic-load diet improves symptoms in acne vulgaris patients: a randomized controlled trial, Am. J. of Clin. Nutr., Vol. 86, No. 1, 107-115, July 2007

A 2002 study found similar results to above study  Cordain L et al, Acne vulgaris: a disease of Western civilization. Arch Dermatol. 2002 Dec;138(12):1584-90.

  • By removing high glycemic foods from your diet, you should notice rapid improvement in your complexion in just a few weeks
Sugars / High fructose corn syrup  
Pasta, Rice, potatoes Fruit consumption -
especially high sugar content fruit (E.g. grapes and bananas)
Processed foods  
Fruit juice (unless highly diluted)
Bread / Cereal grains (including whole-grains and corn)  

Colon Cleanse

Cleanse your colon.    This simple process has demonstrated dramatic improvement in skin blemishes by facilitating the removal of toxins from body.

Clear the "Exit Doors"

Facial Steaming Deep Cleanse

Facial steaming removes oil from your facial skin and unclogs / minimizes your pores. 

One of the best, yet most overlooked ways to eliminate acne - It unclogs and detoxes facial pores, removes dead skin cells, and stimulates blood circulation which is essential for the reproduction of new cells.Unclogged pores can't form acne!

  • Acne sufferers need only do this powerful remedy a few times per month to fully benefit from its results.    Overdoing it (more than 3-5 times / week) can dry your skin out too much.

How to do a facial steaming cleanse:

  • Boil water.    Bring a large pan of water to a boil or boil a kettle full of water and pour into a large bowl placed ready on a table for use (safer than carrying a bowl full of hot water to the table)
  • Optionally add a few drops of some anti-bacterial essential oils.   E.g. lavender, lemon, chamomile, tea-tree and/or oregano oil. Adding a teaspoon of salt can also help disinfect skin
  • Use a headband to keep hair out of your face
  • Steam your face for 5-10 minutes.   Sit at a table next to the pan or bowlful of hot water with a light-colored towel (allows you to see the water level) over your head to make a tent and stay over the steam. Don't get too close to the water at first or it will be too hot
  • Rinse your face with warm and then cool water.  Next gently pat dry with a soft towel

Kill the infecting bacteria

Wash affected areas morning and night with organic antibacterial soap.   Be gentle to your skin - overwashing actually stimulates sebum production, increasing your acne.

Tea tree oil is a good natural, topical antibiotic for the skin - used in lotions or soap

MMS (Master Mineral Solution, 22.4% sodium chlorite solution) is activated by adding an acid to produce chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). optionally combined with DMSO (for deeper penetration).    Has shown great success as an effective topical antibiotic to quickly deal with acne;  chlorine dioxide is formed when the extremely alkaline pH of MMS (pH range 12-14) is lowered. The more acid you add, the lower the PH of the solution drops, and the more available bacterial-fighting chlorine dioxide is released as free chlorine dioxide in solution.

Chlorine Dioxide Therapy (Using MMS)

DMSO - Cell Membrane Penetrant

For MMS application choices and instructions:

Chlorine Dioxide Therapy (Topical Applications)

Trace minerals zinc and chromium


This mineral is reported to have very satisfactory results in clearing acne. Some acne sufferers see results even within a few days, others persist over a few months before eventually attaining success.

Zinc actions against acne:

  • Stabilizes the formation of oily sebum within the pores of the skin
  • Acts as an immune booster that speeds up wound healing
  • Antioxidant
  • Increases vitamin A absorption
  • Reduces hormonal effects on the skin -to break the acne cycle.

Take 30 mg ELEMENTAL zinc in a supplement.   In the morning ( with breakfast) and 30mg (with dinner) for 2-4 weeks, and then cut back to 30-50 mg once / day. Common forms are zinc picinolate (highly absorbable????), zincgluconate or chelated zinc)

  • Try taking on empty stomach with a full glass of water - but if you have stomach cramps / nausea then take with food (being aware that food interferes with absorption some, especially foods high in phosphorus or calcium. E.g. whole grains, legumes, milk and nuts)
  • Zinc sulfate is purported to cause stomach problems
  • Zinc can interact with tetracycline


Helps heal skin infections. Supplement once/day to speed up healing and prevent future breakkouts

Topical vitamin A therapy

Retinoids reduce sebum production.

Retinoids inhibited sebocyte proliferation in a dose-dependent manner and down-regulated lipid synthesis and sebocyte differentiation in vitro.

Zouboulis CC, Xia L, Akamatsu H, Seltmann H, Fritsch M, Hornemann S, Ruhl R, Chen W, Nau H, Orfanos CE 1998 The human sebocyte culture model provides new insights into development and management of seborrhoea and acne. Dermatology196:21-31 PubMed

Topical NATURAL vitamin A (choose a retinoid in a natural, chemical-free cream base )

The best choices for treating acne are either:

  • Retinaldehyde (aka. Retinal) (0.05 -0.075%).   The only antibacterial retinoid and causes less irritation
  • Retinol(1%)

Vitamin A / Retinoids -The Beauty Vitamin

Important information for effective use of topical retinoids and handling any irritation.   A common problem, particularly when beginning treatment

  • Tailor application amount and frequency to skin type and personal reaction to treatment.   Redheads / blondes with delicate skin require lower, less frequent dose than brunettes with thicker more resiliant skin. Reaction time may take a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • Begin slowly and build up only if necessary.   Start with one treatmentevery two days; if peeling/burning/redness is too intense, then stop for 4-5 days before resuming treatment applications further apart; some initial peeling/flaking is usual as skin cell regeneration takes place; DON'T GIVE UP! - skin becomes more tolerant over time.
  • Only apply cream at night.    Retinoids are inactivated by light, but  phototoxity from using topical retinoids is minimal and has been over-exaggerated.
  • Wait at least 15-30 minutes after washing face before application.    Especially if washing with soap; washing makes skin overly receptive and sensitive, which can cause irritation;
  • It is absolutely necessary to apply a soothing moisturizer in the morning.   Limits /corrects irritation from previous night's application. Even males need to do this
  • Apply a natural sunscreen lotion if going outside in the sun
  • Minimize frequency of application around the delicate nasolabial folds
  • Use opened retinol product within 1 month of opening.   Keep lid on container to avoid exposing cream to light; or alternatively buy cream with a pump
  • To be safe, do not use if pregnant or trying to get pregnant.   High doses of any form of vitamin A are contraindicated for pregnant women, since it may be teratogenic (i.e. adversely affect growing cells /embryo)

Limit break-outs at the start of treatment by combining topical retinoid with a topical anti-inflammatory cream.   E.g. erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide

Oral NATURAL (not synthetic) vitamin A

  • It is safe to take doses up to 300,000 units/day for just a few weeks.   Provided you balance it with vitamin D (usually from taking a "sunbath") and discontinue if unusual symptoms develop, E.g.headaches, nausea;
  • Decrease dose to 100,000 units for up to 3 months and then discontinue supplementation
  • Regarding pregnancy and supplementing vitamin A.    The latest studies suggest that these dosage levels will NOT likely cause complications, but to be safe whilst taking vitamin A, do not get pregnant or take during pregnancy.

Consume / Supplement Probiotics

Probiotics re-establish beneficial bacteria in GI tract to restore immune system function - especially important after a dose of antibiotics, which indiscriminately kill good, as well as bad bacteria, sometimes resulting in a yeast infection. Reducing sugar and carbs will remove the "bad"bacterias'favorite food source.

Dietary fermented / cultured foods contain probiotics .    E.g yogurt, sauerkraut

Probiotics -"For Life"

Other treatments of mention

Drink plenty of water:

  • Facilitates cell growth and regeneration
  • Eliminates wastes
  • Sloughs away dead skin cells
  • Hydration improves your skin tone

Exercise.   Helps control blood sugar / INSULIN levels

Sweat.     Sweating releases toxins from skin and increases sebum flow.   Work outside in the sun / Use a sauna

Sleep.   ~8 hours in darkened room

Enhance immune system

Reduce stress

Vitamin D/Sunlight - Crucial for healthy immune system response.   Most people are D-deficient and without it your body is unable to control infection, in the skin or anywhere else.

  • Vitamin D promotes production of broad spectrum, anti-microbial antibiotics.     >200 host defense peptides essential components of innate immune response
  • Expose BARED skin of most of body to sun every day for 30-45 minutes until skin just turns pink (a "built-in"signal that you have obtained optimal D production around 20,000 IU).    The best time for taking a "sunbath" is from 10 am - 2pm; no hat, no sunglasses and especially no sunblock (not only will it prevent vitamin D production in the skin, if it is not natural and organic, suntan lotion contains dangerous cancer-causing chemicals). If sun is not available use a safe tanning bed that utilizes natural light frequencies.

Echinacea.    Echinacea may help normalize sebaceous gland function by blocking the endocannabinoid receptor-2 (CB2) responsible for sebum production. However, this has not been proven.

Control inflammation

Omega-3 and Omega-6 dihomo-gamma linolenic acid (DGLA).    The anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

  • Omega-3

The "O3 Fix" - How to obtain Omega 3

  • Omega-6 DGLA (Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid) is found in evening primrose, blackcurrant or borage oil

Borage, Blackcurrant and Evening Primrose Oils   (For Omega-6 DGLA)

Epsom Salts (Magnesium sulfate)

  • Make and apply (DO NOT RUB IN) Epsom salt paste to problem areas.    Let sit 10-15 minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Repeat twice daily for best results. This two-pronged therapy provides antiinflammatory magnesium and also draws toxins and blackheads from skin.
  • HOW TO MAKE EPSOM SALT PASTE:  Place 2 tbsp. Epsom salts into a small container and add 1 cup of warm water. Mix with a spoon until the salts have dissolved and formed a thick paste.
  • Soak in epsom salt bath.   Directly treats acne on back, neck, shoulders, and buttocks and indirectly provides an inflammatory systemic treatment by absorbing magnesium into the body. Add 2 Cups epsom salts to running water in body-covering warm bath and soak for 30 minutes

Mg - Anti-Inflammatory

Topical lavender essential oil

Good reference

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