"The Body Electric"
"Everything in life is vibration" - Albert Einstein
Natural EMFs can produce electric currents in the body:
• Music
• Crashing surf
• Falling rain
• Bird songs
• Dolphin calls
• Other acoustical therapy
Mostly due to:
• Low-frequency oscillating EMFs from thunderstorms. With most effect from equatorial zones of Central Africa and the Amazon basin
To a lesser degree:
• Solar magnetic storms. Occur in years of high activity of 11-year solar sunspot cycle
• Earthquakes. Seismic wave energy from stress in rock
A Negative Oxygen Ion carries energy as an EXTRA ELECTRON which has bonded to an Oxygen molecule or atom. Sufficient energy acting upon a molecule, such as carbon dioxide, water, oxygen or nitrogen, can knock an electron away from that molecule. The displaced electron then attaches to a nearby oxygen molecule forming a negatively-charged oxygen ion ( NOI).
- Sunlight. Photons ionize stable oxygen in the air.
- Cosmic rays
- Natural background radiation. The breakdown of trace amounts of radioactive isotopes in the environment produces a major source of NOIs. During break down, the various radioactive isotopes commonly emit high energy (fast) electrons, protons, and alpha particles. As these high energy particles pass through the air they have many thousands of collisions with air molecules breaking them up into positive and negative ions
- Mountains, Pine Trees, Sea, Waterfalls
Water, water everywhere, but not a lot for us. Only 3% of Earth's water is fresh water, of which 2% is frozen in icecaps and much of the remaining 1% is inaccessible, deep in the Earth. 98% of what is left is used in industry and agriculture, leaving the rest for every living organism. (The human body is ~70% water and sap is ~90%).
Water can carry energy necessary for our health. Natural energy (e.g. the geomagnetic field, sunlight) can be transferred to water, causing its molecules to take an orderly, crystal-like form, which can change shape. Thus, information from a natural energy source can be held in the crystal's structure. Water from a deep well or a bubbling mountain stream, or distilled water (empty of energy) exposed to positive thoughts (such as love and gratitude), prayer or soothing music contains structure. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and author of "The Message from Water", captured the images of water shown here using a device called a magnetic resonance analyzer.Dr. David Schweitzer, grandson of Albert Schweitzer, was the first scientist to photograph the effects of thoughts, captured in water.
Specific effects of being thankful on our health
(Note: the water used in these pictures was frozen before taking the pictures)
The theory of water memory transfer was established by the late Dr. Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize for Biochemistry. In 1999 scientists at the European Union Physics laboratory in Francewere able to prove that water transfers memory via covalent bonding. |
Think how we can utilize this phenomenon, given that the body consists of about 70% water
(The brain is 85%, blood is 90%, muscles are 75%, the liver is 82%, even our bones are 22% water)
On the down-side, unnatural or negative energy can cause water to lose its structure. For example, when water is polluted or chemically treated, exposed to negative emotions, or heavy metal rock music.
Experiments by Dr. Emoto. Samples of water were collected from different areas of the world. Water from each location was divided and placed into petri dishes. Various words were written and taped to the samples. The samples were then frozen, and viewed through a microscope at magnifications of 200-500X. Results were fully repeatable.
"Water behaves more like a sensitive animal rather than an inconsequential fluid."
- Dr. Emoto