Charging Cell Membrane Battery
Beneficial, absorbable energy charges the "Cell battery"
- Increases cellular energy production / restores immune
Everything relates to electromagnetic energy
The physics of Sir Isaac Newton defines the Universe
as consisting only of matter made of atoms obeying physical mechanisms.
In the late 1800's, physicists had to add quantum
physics and the theory of relativity to explain various observed
phenomena, such as the discovery of subatomic particles, x-rays and radioactivity.
Today, the recognized universal concept is that everything is created out
of, and responds to ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY.
The body's "Cell batteries" can be charged
The health of our cells is measured by their "cell
battery" levels, which determines their vibrating frequency .
Contemporary cell researchers have demonstrated that our cell membranes contain
special proteins that respond to energy signals from our external and internal environment,
thereby directly controlling our cellular activities. In particular, these signals
open and close cell membrane ion-channel gates, significantly impacting the
" cell battery" voltage.
The stronger the "cell battery's" voltage, the more efficient is the cell's
energy production, and the better the cell performs its specific function.
Weak, frequency-specific
electromagnetic energy from certain sources can be absorbed
by the body. The following absorbable energy sources
demonstrate their ability to provide vibrational, electromagnetic energy, which
the body can utiize:
NATURAL absorbable
energy sources include:
MAN-MADE absorbable
energy sources (having frequencies based on natural energy sources)
Energy / vibrational therapies focusing on health restoring
Chemistry-based medicine must eventually give way
to the increasingly self-evident success of vibrational medicine.
A health restoring modality established on the principles of
physics, which restores optimum energy production, and therefore optimum functioning
of the body's cells." Energy therapy "
or "Vibrational therapy "
or "Frequency therapy " , are umbrella
terms for all healing methods enhancing the electrical function of the body by introducing
natural frequency EMFs into
the body. In addition to determining that un natural EMF frequencies caused harm to the body,
a 1984 U.S. Navy study also found that certain diseases can be cured by applying
specific, extremely low frequency levels. Their results have been reproduced
in numerous laboratory tests.
Effective man-made energy therapies mimic and accentuate
natural energy sources. For maintaining health,
it is usually sufficient to avail ourselves of the God-given, natural electromagnetic
sources. However, when dealing with a serious, health problem, we can get a boost
by utilizing some man-made absorbable energy sources to:
the body's RUN-DOWN "Cell Batteries". Especially
those of the immune system, by providing them a "Jump-Start". This will
provide the desired increase in cellular energy production to restore efficient
function to "sick" cells and allow the immune system to function more
effectively, and to be able to eliminate microbes, toxins and cancer cells.
(2) ASSIST the
immune system. By directly getting rid of harmful
microbes, toxins and cancer cells.
PROTOCOL frequencies actually target specific microbes. Back in the late 20's / early 1930's, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife made and used
a high-powered microscope together with a frequency generator, and determined that
every disease has a related frequency. He found that by matching and applying these
typically high frequencies, any disease could be destroyed similar to the way an
opera singer is able to break a glass.
Natural Deterioration is countered by beneficial
energy Input. When
energy is depleted, there is a natural tendency of matter to become disordered and
to degenerate - a process called ENTROPY. We see this in our bodies as sickness
or aging.
When our energy fields are ENLIVENED and made more COHERENT,
entropy is reversed and regeneration occurs
Living organisms are biologically affected by EMFs.
Their cells are "nourished" by (receive, convert and transmit)
electric, acoustic, magnetic, mechanical and thermal
electromagnetic frequencies.
How EMFs affect us
The FREQUENCY of the EMF is the governing factor
as to whether the field is beneficial or harmful. For example, the frequency of 5 Hz. is usually regarded as being depressive,
while the range 8 -10 Hz. is associated with well-being and general alertness.
A Beneficial EMF normalizes the "Cell Battery"
Voltage. The key to restoring health is to
provide an EMF that will raise the "Cell
Battery" voltage (and so the vibrating frequency) of sick or damaged cells
into the normal range. Doing so facilitates the exchange of potassium and sodium
ions across the cell membranes Na/K pumps, and thus restores normal
ATP production, which fuels the entire process.
Starts at:
Starts at:
Starts at:
Cold / Flu
57-60 MHz.
55 MHz.
42 MHz.
Epstein Barr
52 MHz.
25 MHz.
Khaled Hamlaoui, Institute of Biochemistry and
Technology, Mar. 2020
A virus can only attach to a cell membrane when the cell's "battery"
voltage is down
Historic, Time-Tested Therapies.
The sensitivity of all living systems to the earth's natural
electromagnetic fields has been recognized and utilized since ancient times. The
highly developed early civilizations: Egyptian, Arabic, Chinese, Eastern, American
Indian and the Druids - built coded forms of this awareness into structures
we can still see today. We arrogantly stand amazed that they made the connection
long ago, and without modern technology! They sensibly used this knowledge for their
well being, whereas we cleverly try to solve our health problems with profit-making,
immune system destroying, chemical methods that simply don't bring long-term
positive results. You may now ask yourself, who really are the primitive