Health Happening
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"The Body Electric"

Body's matrix - Body's cells are electrically interconnected - Via ECM and intracellular matrix

Body's matrix - Connects cells and provides intercellular communication network

"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body".

- I Cor. 12:12a

"Body Talk"

A multicellular organism requires coherent and coordinated communication between its cells to be able to synchronize cellular processes. In living organisms, information is carried between cells via two systems:

(1)  Chemical messenger system

 Mainly cells sending CHEMICAL signals. E.g. hormones, neurotransmitters, hormonal growth stimulants / inhibitors, cytokines, immune system signals.

  • CARRIED VIA THE BLOODSTREAM.    Chemicals dock at receptor sites on recipient cell membranes enabling the cell to pick up distant chemical signals.
  • LOCALLY GENERATED CHEMICAL SIGNALS.    Eg. prostaglandins generated by immune cells, cytokines.

Neurotransmitters are secreted across the gap between neurons (called the synapse) to trigger receiving neurons to transmit their specific message from the neuron's receiving dendrites to its sending axon terminals. It does this by creating a so called "action potential" - an electrical pulse which travels the length of the neuron - like a current down a wire.

(2)  Electrical network - body's interconnected web (MATRIX) of electrical circuits

Almost all the body's components are linked together: a NUCLEAR matrix within an INTERCELLULAR matrix within an EXTRACELLULAR connective tissue matrix

The NUCLEAR matrix.  

The nuclear matrix is a network of fibers in the nucleus.    These fibers link the cell's genetic components in the nucleus to the nuclear membrane.


The intercellular matrix  (or Cytoskeleton) is the cell's scaffold.  It transmits electrical messages inside cells from the cell membrane to the organelles,  continuing through the nuclear membrane to make contact with the chromosomes.

The cytoskeleton organizes and maintains the cell's shape and anchors organelles and enzymes in place. The cell interior (the cytoplasm) is virtually filled with fibers, tubes and filaments, collectively called the intercellular matrix.

The intercellular matrix has 3 types of struts:

  • Microtubules.   Largely composed of the protein tubulin, can become rigid to determine cell shape; electrically energetic polarity serves to direct vesicles/motor proteins using them as tracts; bidirectional intracellular highways.
  • Actin filaments.   7nm diameter, composed of protein actin (as found in muscle cells); ability to contract and relax allows cytoskeleton to change shape; contains its own ATP (energy source), making it independent of mitochondria;
  • Intermediate filaments.   10 nm diameter, form wavy bundles that traverse the cytoplasm, connecting nucleus to and suspending it away from internal plasma membrane. (Epithelial cells contain intermediate filaments made largely of keratin; fibroblast's intermediate filaments are made mostly of vimentin; muscle cell intermediate filaments are mostly comprised of desnin.)

These continuous connections link the cell membrane to the organelles - including a connection through the nuclear membrane to the chromosomes.

The enzymes of the cell are attached to this cytoskeleton

Vibrational Therapies Can "Do the Talking"

Scientists now realize that cell membrane receptors also function as antennae able to pick-up specific energy frequencies.

Using the body's electrical matrix, each and every cell (and their components) are able to convey and receive vibratory information to and from other cells. Energy therapies are able to restore and reinforce this vibratory circuitry, which may be impaired by physical and/or emotional trauma and cause the immune system repair systems to falter. 


The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a network of body tissue "cables" lying outside the cells.  The existence of an extracellular communication network is only more recently gaining recognition in Western medical understanding, some even referring to it as an unrecognized organ

  • Provides support and attachment for cells inside organs
  • Provides a communication pathway between all body cells.   It also links into nearly every cell, via The INTERCELLULAR Matrix and the NUCLEAR Matrix.

ECM connects to Intercellular Matrix via Protein Polymers

Information is carried through the ECM by very weak electromagnetic fields via their frequency and amplitude fluctuations.   The Chinese have known of this network for about 5,000 years, calling the energy which travels along it our life-force or Chi (Qi). In 1994, this network (also called a meridian system) was able to be mapped accurately using high-tech instruments now available, capable of measuring minute amounts of electricity.

Where is the ECM?    Situated between the cell membranes and the nearby nutrient-carrying blood vessels, the ECM is a network of connective tissue, which provides strength, fills spaces between cells, binds cells and tissues together and links almost every cell in the body.

ECM is plentiful in various connective tissues.  Tendons, dermis (tough/flexible), bone (hard/dense), cartilage (resilient), jelly in eye interior (soft/transparent).

The ECM consists mostly of:

  • Interweaving glycoproteins bound to water to form a gel.   Glycoproteins are complex chains of sugar molecules joined to protein. E.g. Fibronectin, laminin, thrombospondin, proteoglycans.
  • Fibroblasts and fibrocytes.   The main cells that produce the proteins and ground substance of the ECM in soft tissue.

Laminin (also called the "basement membrane") is a "Cross-shaped" cell ADHESION protein molecule that holds our body together

Laminin anchors organs to itself, forming sheets of protein that form the substrate of all internal organs. It has 4 arms in the shape of a cross - the three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which is what enables it to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor the actual organs to the membrane.

He (Christ) is before all things and IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER."

- Colossians 1:17

Embedded in the glycoprotein gel are various protein polymers

Protein Polymers

  • Collagen.   Has great tensile strength, main component of fascia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones, teeth. Together with keratin, it is responsible for skin strength/elasticity, reduces age-related wrinkles. Strengthens blood vessels, preventing need for repairing plaque.
  • Elastin.   Tough fibers provide structural support and tissue elasticity, which allows body tissues to resume their original shape after stretching or contracting. Elastin is abundant in arteries, especially aorta, lungs, elastic ligaments, skin, bladder, and elastic cartilage.
  • Fibronectin.   Binds ECM proteins to each other and to integral membrane proteins (IMPs or integrins), which extend across the cell membrane linking the Intercellular Matrix (the matrix inside the cell) with the ECM.
  • Hylauronic Acid.   Provides lubrication of tissues.

The ECM acts as a molecular sieve between the capillaries (smallest of the blood vessels) and the cells.    Substances are diffused between capillaries and ECM. E.g. Oxygen is transferred from capillaries to ECM and carbon dioxide is transferred from ECM to capillaries.

The ECM is a transit and storage area for nutrients, water and waste

  •  A transit area.   For nutrients from the bloodstream into the cells, for toxins released by the cells to the bloodstream and for immune cells moving out of the bloodstream. These immune cells are involved in inflammatory reactions by secreting cytokines and digesting old worn out cells. They may also facilitate healing by carrying and delivering components from other areas of the body to the cell membrane. These migrating immune cells, as well as fixed cells in the ECM, regulate cellular functions by secreting growth factors and cell growth.
  •  A storage reservoir.   For water, nutrients and toxins
  •  A pH buffering system.   Where the proteins of the ECM buffer acids released by the cells.

Edema toxifies the ECM

  • In healthy conditions.    Most of the water in the ECM is bound as a gel, creating a physical barrier that controls an evenly distributed fluid flow from venule end of capillaries to cells.
  • When conditions create edema in the ECM.   Fluid flows more easily from leaky capillaries, but these large flows of fluid are unevenly distributed, which interferes with nutrient delivery, oxygen perfusion and waste disposal. In edematous conditions the ECM becomes more hypoxic, more acidic and electrically more resistant.
  • Bioflavonoids are some of the most effective nutrients in reducing capillary leakage, which helps reduce edema.   Improves the electrical conductivity of the ECM.

Cell Growth Control.   ECM is involved in regulating cell growth control.

  • Cellular components of the ECM.   Components involved in the local production of growth factors, growth inhibitors and cytokines, which affect the growth and metabolic activity of tissue/organ cells.
  • Immune cells.    E.g.  leukocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages that migrate into the ECM are involved in initiating the removal of old and damaged cells and in stimulating the growth of new cells.

Details on the Matrix Connections


Oligosaccharide side chains attached to membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins

The glycocalyx.   Composed of negatively charged sialic acid molecules that cap the tips of glycoproteins and glycolipids that extend outward from the cell membrane like tree branches.

  • The glycocalyx (sugar cell coat) is produced by the cells of parenchymal organs and secreted onto their cell surfaces
  • The ECM and the glycocalyx work together to regulate information transfer to and from tissue/organ cells.    Accomplished by electrical field fluctuations leading to electroconformational coupling and by soluble signaling molecules.

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