"The Body Electric"
Man-Made EMFs occur in the transmission of information and electrical power in many industrial processes, electronic equipment and domestic appliances.
Man-made electromagnetic fields are generally divided into two groups according to their frequency level:
Extremely-Low Frequency (ELF) Range. According to generally accepted usage, the ELF region is from ~3 Hz to 300 Hz. ELF EMFs are produced by alternating current flowing in power grids:
ELF fields are produced in power lines, electrical wiring, and electrical equipment. E.g.high power transmission lines, transformers, computers, monitors, fluorescent lights, televisions, hair dryers, and digital alarm clocks.
Many pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy devices also use ELF frequencies. Whether they are beneficial or not depends on the actual frequency being utilized. Some ELF frequencies are naturally used by our body to maintain health. E.g. the brain operates on different ELF ranges throughout the day called alpha, beta, alpha, theta and delta waves.
EMF penetration of earth and oceans increases as frequency decreases. At 5MHz the penetration is about 0.12 m. However, at 5Hz, the penetration is 112m. Thus, ELF/ULF EMF waves (5-50Hz) penetrate deep into the earth and oceans, and are used for submarine communications (U.S. 77 Hz, Russia 83 Hz).
ELFs are not necessarily harmless and may be "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing". Since these widespread EMF frequencies are so low and do not demonstrate any dramatic thermal or ionizing effects (as produced by nuclear devices), there has been a commonly held fallacy that they must therefore be harmless, however: